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Google Fights Back in China
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Google Fights Back in China

Two giants on the world stage are battling over the future of information.

Bionic Brains and Beyond
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Bionic Brains and Beyond

The National Spelling Bee of 2023 started out like any other, but controversy enveloped the contest when Suzy Hamilton, an 8-year-old from Tulsa, emerged as the...

The Robo-Help
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The Robo-Help

I have two robots that clean the floors in my apartment: the Evolution Robotics Mint and the iRobot Roomba 530. The Mint sweeps and mops. The Roomba vacuums.

The Delivery Guy Who Saw Jeremy Lin Coming
From ACM Opinion

The Delivery Guy Who Saw Jeremy Lin Coming

The morning after Jeremy Lin sank a thrilling, last-second three-pointer that lifted the New York Knicks over the Toronto Raptors and gave "Linsanity" its latest...

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Confessions of an Iphone Data Hog

I'm not on the run yet. But I've been warned. AT&T doesn't like what I'm doing.

The Cop on the Cyber Beat
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The Cop on the Cyber Beat

Homeland Security's Bruce McConnell on the government's role in helping companies fight online attacks.

In 'cars 2,' John Lasseter Says Big Oil Is the 'uber Bad Guy'
From ACM Opinion

In 'cars 2,' John Lasseter Says Big Oil Is the 'uber Bad Guy'

"Cars 2" director John Lasseter talked with The Wall Street Journal in his office at the Emeryville headquarters of Pixar Animation Studios, where he is chief...

From ACM Opinion

China's Cyberassault on America

In justifying U.S. involvement in Libya, the Obama administration cited the "responsibility to protect" citizens of other countries when their governments engage...

Security 'tokens' Take Hit
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Security 'tokens' Take Hit

RSA Security is offering to provide security monitoring or replace its well-known SecurID tokens—devices used by millions of corporate workers to securely log...

A Day With John Lasseter, King of Pixar
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A Day With John Lasseter, King of Pixar

In today's hyper-networked world, where anyone can reach anybody at any time, John Lasseter is something of an anachronism. Though he is routinely armed with...

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Google Goes to the Cloud For New Idea in Pc System

In the personal-computer industry, where things change fast, one fact has been a constant for years: There are two major, mainstream operating systems for consumers...

From ACM Opinion

What Apple's Ipad Means For Your Wallet

High Tech's Great Leap Backward
From ACM Opinion

High Tech's Great Leap Backward

Beijing recently announced that starting on July 1, all computers sold in China must come installed with government-designed software to block pornography. Testing...

Q&A: Ravi Venkatesan
From ACM Opinion

Q&A: Ravi Venkatesan

Ravi Venkatesan, chairman of Microsoft India, discusses the role technology can play in the new Indian administration and Microsoft's efforts to accelerate the...

Q&A: Ravi Venkatesan
From ACM Opinion

Q&A: Ravi Venkatesan

Ravi Venkatesan, chairman of Microsoft India, discusses the role technology can play in the new Indian administration and Microsoft's efforts to accelerate the...
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