From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
A federal appeals court ruling that the National Security Agency's collection of millions of Americans' phone records is illegal could undercut more than just that...The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | May 11, 2015
Moore's Law, which states that the number of transistors per integrated circuit will double approximately every 18–24 months, has become the defining metaphor of...The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | April 14, 2015
By now, you've probably experienced it: After grabbing a cup of espresso, buying some ice cream or taking a cab, you swipe your credit card and prepare to sign—but...The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | March 27, 2015
Thursday, during a rancorous meeting of the Federal Communications Commission, the agencyvoted 3-2 to impose public utility regulations on Internet access providers...The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | March 2, 2015
Lizard Squad. That's the hacker group whose name is suddenly on everyone's lips after it took credit for ruining Christmas for PlayStation and Xbox gamers everywhere...The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | December 29, 2014
In rebuking Apple and Google for their new smartphone encryption polices on Thursday, FBI Director James B. Comey became the latest law enforcement official to...The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | September 29, 2014
As the Internet and the disruptive innovations it spawns are becoming economically, politically, and culturally vital for the world’s three billion users (and counting)...The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | September 4, 2014
An Irish judge has rendered a preliminary judgment that may have sweeping consequences for U.S. e-commerce firms.The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | June 25, 2014
The Internet's eyes turned to the Federal Communications Commission on Thursday, as the panel approved a plan to consider allowing Internet service providers to...The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | May 19, 2014
Tuesday's announcement that Facebook is buying the virtual-reality start-up Oculus for $2 billion no doubt left many people scratching their heads.The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | March 26, 2014
On Friday, what had been the world's leading Bitcoin exchange declared bankrutpcy, claiming that hackers had exploited a technical issue called "transaction malleability...The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | March 3, 2014
U.S. cybersecurity officials have been much more skeptical about international cooperation than their Cold War counterparts were.The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | February 21, 2014
Technology companies will soon be able to disclose more details about the number of national security orders and requests they receive, according to a joint statement...The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | January 29, 2014
Back in 2003, when he was a law professor at the University of Virginia, Tim Wu wrote the definitive paper on net neutrality.The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | January 15, 2014