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Dogecoins and Litecoins and Peercoins Oh My: What You Need to Know About Bitcoin Alternatives
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Dogecoins and Litecoins and Peercoins Oh My: What You Need to Know About Bitcoin Alternatives

By now, most people have heard of Bitcoin, the peer-to-peer currency whose value has soared over the past couple of years.

Correcting the Record on the Nsa Review
From ACM Opinion

Correcting the Record on the Nsa Review

One of the dangers of a 304 -page report on a complex subject is that everyone gets to choose what he or she thinks is the bottom line.

Edward Snowden, After Months of Nsa Rvelations, Says His Mission's Accomplished
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Edward Snowden, After Months of Nsa Rvelations, Says His Mission's Accomplished

The familiar voice on the hotel room phone did not waste words.

Former FCC Chairman: 'be Careful Not to Let Licensing Become a Tool of Monopoly'
From ACM Opinion

Former FCC Chairman: 'be Careful Not to Let Licensing Become a Tool of Monopoly'

New Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler faces a number of important decisions about the future of the wireless industry.

Tor Is Supposed to Hide You Online. In This Harvard Student's Case, It Did the Opposite.
From ACM Opinion

Tor Is Supposed to Hide You Online. In This Harvard Student's Case, It Did the Opposite.

At 9 a.m. Monday, fire alarms went off in Harvard's Emerson Hall.

The Head of Google X Thinks We're All Too Risk-Averse
From ACM Opinion

The Head of Google X Thinks We're All Too Risk-Averse

Google X is responsible for some of Google's most literally fantastic projects: Google Glass, self-driving cars, gigantic inflatable balloons that beam Internet...

No, Bitcoin Isn't Broken
From ACM Opinion

No, Bitcoin Isn't Broken

"Bitcoin Is Broken," proclaimed Ittay Eyal and Emin Gun Sirer, two Cornell computer scientists.

Former Nsa Chief: Nsa and ­.s. Cyber Command Are Now 'indistinguishable'
From ACM Opinion

Former Nsa Chief: Nsa and ­.s. Cyber Command Are Now 'indistinguishable'

The public's trust in government has been battered by repeated abuses of power, but it's not the NSA's fault.

Here's Why the Feds Didn't Have More Skilled Programmers For
From ACM Opinion

Here's Why the Feds Didn't Have More Skilled Programmers For, the Web site at the center of President Obama's federal health insurance exchange, has been plagued with problems since it opened for business Oct...

Here's Everything You Should Know About Nsa Address Book Spying in One Faq
From ACM News

Here's Everything You Should Know About Nsa Address Book Spying in One Faq

A new report from The Washington Post, based on documents provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden, reveals that the National Security Agency is collecting hundreds...

Here's Why Cops Should Be Required to Wear a Lapel Camera While on Duty
From ACM Opinion

Here's Why Cops Should Be Required to Wear a Lapel Camera While on Duty

Police officers in Rialto, Calif., carry cameras to record their every action while on duty.

Nsa Chief Defends Collecting Americans' Data
From ACM Opinion

Nsa Chief Defends Collecting Americans' Data

The head of the National Security Agency delivered a vigorous defense Wednesday of his agency's collection of Americans' phone records for counterterrorism purposes...

Google Maps Trained ­S to Follow Directions. Now Its Former Developer Wants ­S to Explore.
From ACM Opinion

Google Maps Trained ­S to Follow Directions. Now Its Former Developer Wants ­S to Explore.

It's not evident from the way his hair flops casually down and across, nor from his equally relaxed demeanor, but John Hanke is one of Google's most important idea...

Microsoft Is Doomed, But First It's Going to Make a Ton of Money
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft Is Doomed, But First It's Going to Make a Ton of Money

Microsoft stock lost about 10 percent of its value in the wake of a quarterly earnings report on Thursday that investors deemed sub-par. Yet revenue for the second...

The Coming Political Battle Over Bitcoin
From ACM Opinion

The Coming Political Battle Over Bitcoin

Given that Bitcoin first broke into mainstream attention when Gawker explained how to use it to buy drugs, perhaps the surprise is that it took federal regulators...

Boing Boing's Cory Doctorow on 'homeland,' Printed Guns, and Heart Hacking
From ACM Opinion

Boing Boing's Cory Doctorow on 'homeland,' Printed Guns, and Heart Hacking

I had the pleasure of spending some time with Cory Doctorow on Feb. 25 at the Jefferson Hotel here in the nation's capital.

Why Mapping the Human Brain Matters
From ACM Opinion

Why Mapping the Human Brain Matters

It turns out that President Barack Obama’s head-scratching mention of a project to map the human brain in his most recent State of the Union speech was more than...

Bill Gates on Reddit: Thoughts on Steve Jobs, Windows, and the Next Disruption
From ACM Opinion

Bill Gates on Reddit: Thoughts on Steve Jobs, Windows, and the Next Disruption

Bill Gates held court on Reddit on Monday, becoming just the latest notable figure to submit to the site's open question-and-answer sessions.

Jill and Scott Kelley on the Petraeus Scandal and Loss of Privacy
From ACM Opinion

Jill and Scott Kelley on the Petraeus Scandal and Loss of Privacy

We woke up on the morning of Nov. 9 expecting the usual: for one of us, the tending to patients; for the other, the morning rush of packing lunches and getting...

Pinterest a Company to Watch on Ip Issues, Expert Says
From ACM Opinion

Pinterest a Company to Watch on Ip Issues, Expert Says

Pinterest's growth is stabilizing after exploding onto the scene.
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