From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
Something strange, scary and sublime is happening to cameras, and it's going to complicate everything you knew about pictures. Cameras are getting brains.
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | March 7, 2018
I'll make this short: The thing you're doing now, reading prose on a screen, is going out of fashion.
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | February 9, 2018
Imagine it is the spring of 2019. A bottom-feeding website, perhaps tied to Russia, "surfaces" video of a sex scene starring an 18-year-old Kirsten Gillibrand.
...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | February 5, 2018
Apple is selling out. It's not about the latest version of the iPhone, but the huge cache of personal data that will be going directly to the largest, and one of...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | January 24, 2018
The extraordinary rise in the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has led many people to worry that this market is a giant bubble.
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | January 23, 2018
Given that you write about the books industry, how do you prefer to read books? On a Kindle or iPad or some other device, or printed books?
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | January 19, 2018
Imagine this: When you leave the house, your air conditioner and lights turn off automatically. Then when a motion sensor detects a person in the house, like your...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | January 5, 2018
The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission wants to let Comcast, Verizon and other broadband companies turn the internet into a latter-day version of...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | December 5, 2017
The author of "The Martian" and, most recently, "Artemis" has never read Frank Herbert's "Dune": "Yes, I know. I'm the worst sci-fi fan in the universe."
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | November 20, 2017
Maureen Dowd: You often get confused for the lead singer of Korn.
Jaron Lanier: No, never. I'm often confused with Arnold Schwarzenegger. I'm kidding.
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | November 9, 2017
In May 2016, a Facebook page called Heart of Texas urged its nearly 254,000 followers to rise up against what it considered to be an urgent cultural menace.
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | November 9, 2017
In 2013, United States agents served a warrant on Microsoft seeking the emails of a suspect in a drug case.
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | October 25, 2017
On my fourth day in a semi-driverless car, I finally felt comfortable enough to let it stop itself.
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | October 24, 2017
How do New York Times journalists use technology in their jobs and in their personal lives? Marcelle Hopkins, deputy video editor and co-director of virtual reality...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | October 18, 2017
The web, or "world wide web" as we used to say, turns 27 years old on December 20. On that date, nearly three decades ago, British engineer and scientist Tim Berners...Time From ACM Opinion | October 18, 2017
Wandering among the engineers and strategy directors and managers of something called "connected customer experience" at the Smart Kitchen Summit, one had to wonder...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | October 17, 2017
When the owner of an automated Tesla was killed in a crash last year, the carmaker's founder, Elon Musk, urged journalists to peer into the future.
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | October 16, 2017
Who's smarter—you, or the computer or mobile device on which you're reading this article? The answer is increasingly complex, and depends on definitions in flux...Time From ACM Opinion | September 29, 2017
From the moment we humans first imagined having mechanical servants at our beck and call, we've assumed they would be constructed in our own image.
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | September 11, 2017