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What Steve Jobs Learned in the Wilderness
From ACM Opinion

What Steve Jobs Learned in the Wilderness

The saga of Steven P. Jobs is so well known that it has entered the nation’s mythology: he’s the prodigal who returned to Apple in 1997, righted a listing ship...

Score: Agile Research Group Management
From Communications of the ACM

Score: Agile Research Group Management

Adapting agile software development methodology toward more efficient management of academic research groups.

Version Aversion
From Communications of the ACM

Version Aversion

The way you number your releases communicates more than you might think.

Platforms and Services: Understanding the Resurgence of Apple
From Communications of the ACM

Platforms and Services: Understanding the Resurgence of Apple

Combining new consumer devices and Internet platforms with online services and content is proving to be a successful strategy.

Victorian Data Processing
From Communications of the ACM

Victorian Data Processing

The Victorian world was awash with data and with organizations that processed it; and they usually used nothing...

5 Reasons the Media Cover Apple So Much
From ACM Opinion

5 Reasons the Media Cover Apple So Much

A study published Monday drew on a host of metrics to conclude something we all already knew: The media covers Apple more than any other company.

A Q&A With a PARC Pioneer Reflecting on 'the Office of the Future' 40 Years Later
From ACM Opinion

A Q&A With a PARC Pioneer Reflecting on 'the Office of the Future' 40 Years Later

Palo Alto Research Center research fellow David Biegelsen, who has been at Xerox's legendary R&D lab from the beginning, reflected on being at the forefront of...

From ACM Opinion

Finally, a 21st Century Browser from Microsoft

Like many of us, Microsoft does its best work when it's running scared.

From ACM Opinion

The Snoop In Your Browser

Everyone and his Big Brother wants to log your browsing habits, the better to build a profile of who you are and how you live your life—online and off. Search...

Future Internet Architecture: Clean-Slate Versus Evolutionary Research
From Communications of the ACM

Future Internet Architecture: Clean-Slate Versus Evolutionary Research

Should researchers focus on designing new network architectures or improving the current Internet?

Objects Never? Well, Hardly Ever!
From Communications of the ACM

Objects Never? Well, Hardly Ever!

Revisiting the Great Objects Debate.

Discussing Cyber Attack
From Communications of the ACM

Discussing Cyber Attack

Cyber attack—the other side of cyber defense—deserves a more open discussion than it has been getting.

Principles of the Law of Software Contracts
From Communications of the ACM

Principles of the Law of Software Contracts

An overview of a new set of legal principles for software contracts developed by the American Law Institute.

Return at Risk
From Communications of the ACM

Return at Risk

Calculating the likely true cost of projects.

I Tweet, Therefore I Am
From ACM Opinion

I Tweet, Therefore I Am

On a recent lazy Saturday morning, my daughter and I lolled on a blanket in our front yard, snacking on apricots, listening to a download of E. B. White reading...

From ACM Opinion

Apple, Trackpads, and the Long Death of the Mouse

Another day, another envelope-pushing design from Apple intended to make us rethink the way we interact with our computers. Welcome to the Magic Trackpad.

An Interview With Edsger W. Dijkstra
From Communications of the ACM

An Interview With Edsger W. Dijkstra

The computer science luminary, in one of his last interviews before his death in 2002, reflects on a programmer's life.

Rights For Autonomous Artificial Agents?
From Communications of the ACM

Rights For Autonomous Artificial Agents?

The growing role of artificial agents necessitates modifying legal frameworks to better address human interests.

Remembrances of Things Pest
From Communications of the ACM

Remembrances of Things Pest

Recalling malware milestones.

Presenting Your Project
From Communications of the ACM

Presenting Your Project

The what, the how, and the why of giving an effective presentation.
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