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Twitter: Who Do the Politicians Follow?
From ACM Opinion

Twitter: Who Do the Politicians Follow?

You can tell a lot about a politician's priorities from who they deign to follow on Twitter. When David Cameron joined the service on Saturday, he started out following...

Facebook's 'Next Billion': A Q&A With Mark Zuckerberg
From ACM Opinion

Facebook's 'Next Billion': A Q&A With Mark Zuckerberg

In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his Harvard University dorm room, hoping to see what his classmates were up to on campus. The following eight years...

From ACM Opinion

Ietf Approves Hsts as Proposed Standard

One of the things that makes attackers dance around their basement lairs is finding unencrypted Web sessions.

The Extremely Personal Computer: The Digital Future of Mental Health
From ACM Opinion

The Extremely Personal Computer: The Digital Future of Mental Health

It's 2018, and you're not feeling your best.

The Supreme Court Needs To Weigh In on Warrantless Cell Phone Tracking By Law Enforcement
From ACM Opinion

The Supreme Court Needs To Weigh In on Warrantless Cell Phone Tracking By Law Enforcement

Americans should have no reasonable expectation of privacy over the location data stored by their mobile phone.

Meet the Man Who Gave the Mars Rover Its Eyes
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Man Who Gave the Mars Rover Its Eyes

Iconic pictures from the latest mission to the Red Planet are coming courtesy of space-imaging expert Michael Malin.

How Can We Make Devices Better? By Studying What People Actually Do
From ACM Opinion

How Can We Make Devices Better? By Studying What People Actually Do

Many new technologies are based on what companies and designers seem to think their users might want to do, or what they envision them wanting to do, but not as...

What Makes Google's Maps So Good
From ACM Opinion

What Makes Google's Maps So Good

Wow. Nothing makes you appreciate something like losing it.

Apple-Google Maps Talks Crashed Over Voice-Guided Directions
From ACM News

Apple-Google Maps Talks Crashed Over Voice-Guided Directions

Google Chairman Eric Schmidt says Apple should have continued to use Google’s mapping application in iOS 6 instead of swapping it out for its poorly received home...

Meet Mira, the Supercomputer That Makes ­niverses
From ACM Opinion

Meet Mira, the Supercomputer That Makes ­niverses

Cosmology is the most ambitious of sciences. Its goal, plainly stated, is to describe the origin, evolution, and structure of the entire universe, a universe that...

From ACM Opinion

Disconnect Between Application Development and Security Getting Wider

There is a widening gulf between application developers and security decision makers inside the enterprise, and it’s starting to cost companies serious money.

If Design's No Longer the Killer Differentiator, What Is?
From ACM Opinion

If Design's No Longer the Killer Differentiator, What Is?

We already know that design matters. Product design. Industrial design. Experience design. Supply chain design. Witness the renewed fervor for the iPhone 5 today...

Reflecting on the Facebook IPO
From Communications of the ACM

Reflecting on the Facebook IPO

Exploring some factors that reflect a company's worth.

Iphone 6: 9 Most-Wanted Features
From ACM Opinion

Iphone 6: 9 Most-Wanted Features

The iPhone 5 is here and millions of people will buy it and love it. But its arrival also starts the clock ticking on the next iPhone. 

Iphone 5? Yawn. What Will the 'phone' of 2022 Look Like?
From ACM Opinion

Iphone 5? Yawn. What Will the 'phone' of 2022 Look Like?

The near-term future of phones is fairly well-established. The iPhone 5 was released Wednesday and its similarity to every Apple phone since 2007 serves as a reminder...

Difference Engine: The Pc All Over Again?
From ACM News

Difference Engine: The Pc All Over Again?

What could well be the next great technological disruption is fermenting away, out of sight, in small workshops, college labs, garages, and basements. Tinkerers...

How Apple Really Invented the Iphone
From ACM News

How Apple Really Invented the Iphone

Like many of Apple's inventions, the iPhone began not with a vision, but with a problem.

Curious About Life: Interview with Danny Glavin
From ACM Opinion

Curious About Life: Interview with Danny Glavin

The Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover has 10 science instruments, and each will be used in the coming weeks and months to help characterize the environment...

Mind Control Will Shape Future of Gaming and Cell Phones
From ACM TechNews

Mind Control Will Shape Future of Gaming and Cell Phones

In an interview, University of Alabama at Huntsville professor Jason T. Cassibry shares his thoughts about the new technological advances on the horizon.  

Facebook's China Problem
From ACM Opinion

Facebook's China Problem

Last May when Mark Zuckerberg wed his Chinese-American girlfriend, Priscilla Chan, a joke began to make the rounds on China's version of Twitter, a microblog—or...
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