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Programming Goes Back to School
From Communications of the ACM

Programming Goes Back to School

Broadening participation by integrating game design into middle school curricula. View a video featuring author Alexander Repenning about using games to introduce...

Jeff Bezos Should Send Eric Holder a Christmas Card
From ACM Opinion

Jeff Bezos Should Send Eric Holder a Christmas Card

I can imagine Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos in Seattle Wednesday morning, reading the Justice Department's antitrust lawsuit on a gigantic Kindle Fire XL prototype, and...

Fixing the Brain With Computers
From ACM TechNews

Fixing the Brain With Computers

Disabilities such as epilepsy, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and Parkinson’s disease are being treated with neuroimplants, says St. Louis University...

Was Cameron's Deep Dive as ­seless as Manned Space Flight?
From ACM Opinion

Was Cameron's Deep Dive as ­seless as Manned Space Flight?

Ninety-nine percent of what we know about the solar system came to us from unmanned probes.  

Reading CS Classics
From Communications of the ACM

Reading CS Classics

Revisiting required reading.

COLT/ICML Open Problems and ICML Instructions

COLT/ICML Open Problems and ICML Instructions

Open problems will be presented in a joint session in the evening of the COLT/ICML overlap day. If you have a difficult, theoretically definable problem in machine...

The Connected Human: How the World Is About to Get Even Smaller
From ACM Opinion

The Connected Human: How the World Is About to Get Even Smaller

It may be difficult to imagine a world where human beings are even more connected than we are now.  

Q&A: Chief Strategiest
From Communications of the ACM

Q&A: Chief Strategiest

ACM CEO John White talks about initiatives to serve the organization's professional members, increase international activities, and reform computer science education...

The Artificiality of Natural User Interfaces
From Communications of the ACM

The Artificiality of Natural User Interfaces

Toward user-defined gestural interfaces.

From ACM Opinion

Harvard Mapping My Dna Turns Scary as Threatening Gene Emerges

Four months after I walked into a lab at Harvard University and gave a vial of blood to have my genome sequenced, my search to understand my DNA led me to Mark...

The Mathematical Equation that Caused the Banks to Crash
From ACM Opinion

The Mathematical Equation that Caused the Banks to Crash

It was the holy grail of investors. The Black-Scholes equation, brainchild of economists Fischer Black and Myron Scholes, provided a rational way to price a financial...

Apps For Ipad 3: What Apple Should Demo at the Grand ­nveiling
From ACM Opinion

Apps For Ipad 3: What Apple Should Demo at the Grand ­nveiling

All indicators suggest Apple will unveil the iPad 3 during the first week of March. That’s less than a month away, and sources at The Next Web say Apple is in "crunch...

Nasa's Sean Herron and William Eshagh on
From ACM TechNews

Nasa's Sean Herron and William Eshagh on

In an interview, the U.S. NASA's William Eshagh and Sean Herron discuss the open.nasa initiative, a response to President Obama's Open Government Directive, which...

What Have We Learned About Software Engineering?
From Communications of the ACM

What Have We Learned About Software Engineering?

Upon closer examination, everything old appears to be new again in the realm of software engineering.

Peer Instruction
From Communications of the ACM

Peer Instruction: A Teaching Method to Foster Deep Understanding

How the computing education community can learn from physics education.

Incentive Auctions
From Communications of the ACM

Incentive Auctions

Reallocating valuable wireless spectrum can generate billions of dollars in revenue to the U.S. federal government while also benefiting consumers.

From ACM Opinion

The Great and Powerful Reddit

Of all the sites that went dark on Wednesday to protest Congress's misguided anti-piracy legislation, Reddit was the one I missed most.

From ACM Careers

Kidsruby 1.0 Released

So, you have a son or daughter who is showing some interest in computer programming, but you're not really sure where to start.

Stephen Hawking's New Pc
From ACM Opinion

Stephen Hawking's New Pc

Intel application engineer Travis Bonifield has been working closely with Hawking to communicate with the world for a decade.

Building the Team That Built Watson
From ACM Opinion

Building the Team That Built Watson

The assignment was one of the biggest challenges in the field of artificial intelligence: build a computer smart enough to beat grand champions at the game of...
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