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Web Browsers Leave 'fingerprints' Behind as You Surf the Net

New research by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has found that an overwhelming majority of web browsers have unique signatures--creating identifiable "fingerprints"...

From ACM Opinion

Google's Nightmare: Facebook 'like' Replaces Links

Facebook dropped a bombshell on the tech industry last week in the form of a Web-wide "Like" button and the launch of the "Open Graph". Using this new platform,...

Cloud Computing and Electricity: Beyond the Utility Model
From Communications of the ACM

Cloud Computing and Electricity: Beyond the Utility Model

Assessing the strengths, weaknesses, and general applicability of the computing-as-utility business model.

From ACM Opinion

Not Creating Content. Just Protecting It.

Should we be surprised that the biggest fight over freedom of expression in years involves Google, a company that produces algorithms rather than articles? Probably...

Be Careful What You Wish For
From Communications of the ACM

Be Careful What You Wish For

Reflections on the decline of mathematical tables.

From ACM Opinion

Google Is Definitely No "god"

Google announced at 3:00 a.m. Tuesday, March 23rd (Beijing Time) its decision to move most of its China-based search functions from the Chinese mainland to Hong...

Interview: Sergey Brin on Google
From ACM Opinion

Interview: Sergey Brin on Google

China's censorship of the Internet may be blunt, but Google has found negotiations with the Chinese government in recent weeks to be subtle and uncertain. That...

Interview: Sergey Brin on Google
From ACM Opinion

Interview: Sergey Brin on Google

China's censorship of the Internet may be blunt, but Google has found negotiations with the Chinese government in recent weeks to be subtle and uncertain. That...

From ACM Opinion

Google Loss Won't Hamper Business Gains in China

When Google made its threat to pull out of China on January 12, it titled its online announcement "A new approach to China," indicating its high expectations for...

From ACM Opinion

A New Approach to China: An Update

Earlier today we stopped censoring our search services—Google Search, Google News, and Google Images—on Users visiting are now being redirected...

From ACM Opinion

Google, Don't Politicalize Yourself

 From groundlessly accusing the Chinese government of supporting hacker attack against it to pushing China abandon the legal regulations on the Internet by threatening...

From ACM Opinion

After Google Dustup, Should the ­.s. Ban Chinese Computers?

Should the Google/China spat over censorship start a trade war that puts an end to Chinese-made computers? One international trade lawyer argues that it should...

Google's Diplomatic Alliance with ­.s. Carries Risks
From ACM Opinion

Google's Diplomatic Alliance with ­.s. Carries Risks

Google Inc.'s mastery of Internet search technology is unrivaled, but the high-tech pioneer is in uncharted territory as it finds itself embroiled in U.S. diplomatic...

From ACM Opinion

Why Google Wants a Faster Internet

There was no lack of, well, buzz about Google's new Buzz social-media platform last week, but more important were a series of moves that suggest the search giant...

From ACM Opinion

Lost in #haiti

If Iran's post-election uprising last summer was the world's first "Twitter revolution," the massive Jan. 12 earthquake in Haiti was the first "Twitter disaster...

From ACM Opinion

The Best Web Browser on the Planet

I like to think of myself as the Dick Cheney of the Browser Wars—an unyielding proponent of greater and greater hostilities between the developers working on Chrome...

From ACM Opinion

'don't Be Evil,' Meet 'spy on Everyone': How the Nsa Deal Could Kill Google

The company once known for its "don't be evil" motto is now in bed with the spy agency known for the mass surveillance of American citizens. The National Security...

Dark Clouds Gather Over Online Security
From ACM Opinion

Dark Clouds Gather Over Online Security

Google may have threatened to leave China in order to keep us all from concluding that "the cloud" can't be secured. But isn't that precisely what we should conclude...

From ACM Opinion

Don't Become a Tool of Hegemony, Google!

President of People's Daily Online He Jiazheng speaks on Internet freedom: The Google-China dispute shows a strategic position change of the United States. In...

­.s. Enables Chinese Hacking of Google
From ACM Opinion

­.s. Enables Chinese Hacking of Google

Google made headlines when it went public with the fact that Chinese hackers had penetrated some of its services, such as Gmail, in a politically motivated attempt...
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