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Open Access to Scientific Publications
From Communications of the ACM

Open Access to Scientific Publications

In his July 2009 Communications editor's letter "Open, Closed, or Clopen Access?", editor-in-chief Moshe Vardi addressed...

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A Conversation With Google

Google CEO Eric Schmidt has long defended his company's decision to do business in China despite the restrictions that Beijing imposes on Internet freedom. Nevertheless...

From ACM Opinion

Google Quietly Changes the World Again

Do you remember where you were the day they unveiled Facebook? No? How about Twitter? Google Search? Massive, culture-shifting technologies are almost...

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With Nexus One And Quattro, The Knives Are Out Between Apple And Google

The knives came out in full view between Apple and Google earlier this week. On the same day that Google launched its latest Nexus One Android phone, Apple announced...

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Future computing and mobile interfaces driven by artificial intelligence, speech recognition, and machine vision are consuming the time of Google’s top inventor...

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Future computing and mobile interfaces driven by artificial intelligence, speech recognition, and machine vision are consuming the time of Google’s top inventor...

From ACM Opinion

Search, But You May Not Find

As we become increasingly dependent on the Internet, we need to be increasingly concerned about how it is regulated. The Federal Communications Commission has proposed...

From ACM Opinion

Should Search Engines Have a Conscience?

The recent appearance of a racist image of First Lady Michelle Obama during a search using Google's search engine motivates an interesting question: Should search...

From ACM Opinion

Connecting with an Internet Pioneer, 40 Years Later

Forty years ago—on December 5, 1969—the U.S. Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) connected four computer network nodes at the University...

From ACM Opinion

Connecting with an Internet Pioneer, 40 Years Later

Forty years ago—on December 5, 1969—the U.S. Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) connected four computer network nodes at the University...

Wolfram's Search Goal: Compute All
From ACM TechNews

Wolfram's Search Goal: Compute All

Stephen Wolfram has set the ambitious goal of converting the global corpus of knowledge into a computable format through, a computational knowledge...

Q&A: The Networker
From Communications of the ACM

Q&A: The Networker

Jon Kleinberg talks about algorithms, information flow, and the connections between Web search and social networks.

Face the Inevitable, Embrace Parallelism
From Communications of the ACM

Face the Inevitable, Embrace Parallelism

Hardware, software, and applications must all evolve in anticipation of the proliferation of parallelism.

Computing: The Fourth Great Domain of Science
From Communications of the ACM

Computing: The Fourth Great Domain of Science

Computing is as fundamental as the physical, life, and social sciences.

From ACM Opinion

How Wolfram Alpha Could Change Software

The upstart "computational knowledge engine" claims its results are original works, raising important questions about software and intellectual property.

Viewpoint: Time For Computer Science to Grow Up
From Communications of the ACM

Viewpoint: Time For Computer Science to Grow Up

As the computer science field has evolved, so should the methods for disseminating computing research results.

Bill Gates Offers the World a Physics Lesson
From ACM Opinion

Bill Gates Offers the World a Physics Lesson

It's been a year since Bill Gates left full-time work at Microsoft, but he's found plenty to keep him busy. In between trying to eradicate polio, tame malaria,Microsoft...

Bill Gates Offers the World a Physics Lesson
From ACM Opinion

Bill Gates Offers the World a Physics Lesson

It's been a year since Bill Gates left full-time work at Microsoft, but he's found plenty to keep him busy. In between trying to eradicate polio, tame malaria,Microsoft...

Bing, the Imitator, Often Goes Google One Better
From ACM Opinion

Bing, the Imitator, Often Goes Google One Better

For the last 15 years, Microsoft's master business plan seems to have been, "Wait until somebody else has a hit. Then copy it." The list of commercial hits/Microsoft...

Open, Closed, or Clopen Access?
From Communications of the ACM

Open, Closed, or Clopen Access?

A frequent question I hear about Communications, and about ACM publishing in general, involves its access model. I am asked: "Why don't you adopt the open-access...
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