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The Battle For Power on the Internet
From ACM Opinion

The Battle For Power on the Internet

We're in the middle of an epic battle for power in cyberspace.

Former Nsa Chief: Nsa and ­.s. Cyber Command Are Now 'indistinguishable'
From ACM Opinion

Former Nsa Chief: Nsa and ­.s. Cyber Command Are Now 'indistinguishable'

The public's trust in government has been battered by repeated abuses of power, but it's not the NSA's fault.

Ron Wyden: Lonely Hero of the Battle Against the Surveillance State
From ACM Opinion

Ron Wyden: Lonely Hero of the Battle Against the Surveillance State

When historians write about the civil-liberties crisis of this decade, the story will be full of vivid figures—Bradley, now Chelsea, Manning, the fragile soldier...

Augmented Reality Browsers
From Communications of the ACM

Augmented Reality Browsers: Essential Products or Only Gadgets?

How lessons learned from the evolution of the Web and Web browsers can influence the development of AR browsers.

Making Computer Science Count
From Communications of the ACM

Making Computer Science Count

Combining efforts and expertise, ACM and are partnering to address a rapidly changing education landscape.

Why Not Immortality?
From Communications of the ACM

Why Not Immortality?

A question of biology, technology, and society.

No Limits to Watching?
From Communications of the ACM

No Limits to Watching?

Considering the ethical questions raised by technologies that are moving from knowing what we are doing (and where) to knowing who we are.

Is Software Patentable?
From Communications of the ACM

Is Software Patentable?

Assessing the shifting perspectives on patentability standards for software.

What Regulators Can Do to Advance Privacy Through Design
From Communications of the ACM

What Regulators Can Do to Advance Privacy Through Design

Seeking to address the challenges of privacy by design through regulatory process and formal law.

Huawei Executive Talks About Cyber Security
From ACM Opinion

Huawei Executive Talks About Cyber Security

As the world's second-largest supplier of telecommunications network equipment, Huawei plays a part in the technology industry's efforts to ensure network security...

How to Design—and Defend Against—the Perfect Security Backdoor
From ACM Opinion

How to Design—and Defend Against—the Perfect Security Backdoor

We already know the NSA wants to eavesdrop on the Internet. 

N.s.a. Director Gives Firm and Broad Defense of Surveillance Efforts
From ACM Opinion

N.s.a. Director Gives Firm and Broad Defense of Surveillance Efforts

The director of the National Security Agency, Gen. Keith B. Alexander, said in an interview that to prevent terrorist attacks he saw no effective alternative to...

A Court Order Is an Insider Attack
From ACM Opinion

A Court Order Is an Insider Attack

Commentators on the Lavabit case, including the judge himself, have criticized Lavabit for designing its system in a way that resisted court-ordered access to user...

Think You Can Live Offline Without Being Tracked? Here's What It Takes
From ACM Opinion

Think You Can Live Offline Without Being Tracked? Here's What It Takes

Nico Sell, the cofounder of a secure communication app called Wickr, has appeared on television twice.

Three Questions For Microsoft's New Head of Research, Peter Lee
From ACM Opinion

Three Questions For Microsoft's New Head of Research, Peter Lee

Microsoft's new head of research, Peter Lee, is tasked with helping the company invent the future.

What Last Week's Anti-­.s. Shift in Internet Governance Means to You
From ACM Opinion

What Last Week's Anti-­.s. Shift in Internet Governance Means to You

Last week a group of the Internet's governing organizations announced they were effectively turning their backs on the United States.

Here's Everything You Should Know About Nsa Address Book Spying in One Faq
From ACM News

Here's Everything You Should Know About Nsa Address Book Spying in One Faq

A new report from The Washington Post, based on documents provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden, reveals that the National Security Agency is collecting hundreds...

The Argument For Making the Misuse of Your Personal Data a Felony
From ACM Opinion

The Argument For Making the Misuse of Your Personal Data a Felony

Craig Mundie is Microsoft's senior advisor to the CEO, spending his time on big-picture stuff such as (according to his bio) "key strategic projects within the...

Breaking the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Breaking the Internet

Brazilian President Dilma Rouseff's recent indictment of the United States' cyber-spying practices has profound global repercussions for the U.S vision of a borderless...

A Conversation With Lavabit's Founder
From ACM Opinion

A Conversation With Lavabit's Founder

In a video interview, Lavabit founder Ladar Levison discusses how he has become a symbol in the backlash against U.S. government spying.
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