The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
When Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone at 2007's Macworld conference, he began by describing the device's groundbreaking user interface. "We have invented a new technology called 'multi-touch' which is phenomenal," Jobs…
How 5,000 geographically dispersed strangers teamed up to solve DARPA's Network Challenge.
I won't lie to you: I was not a good engineering student. That's one of the reasons I went into journalism. But I managed to acquire a bachelor of sciences in mechanical engineering, and the recent Toyota hearings on Capitol …
Tom Mitchell, head of Carnegie Mellon University's Machine Learning Department, says that advances in machine learning could bring about a transformation in psychology and neuroscience.
The United States is fighting a cyber-war today, and we are losing. It's that simple. As the most wired nation on Earth, we offer the most targets of significance, yet our cyber-defenses are woefully lacking.
The problem is…Google's announcement that it might withdraw from China has drawn attention to the aggressiveness of Chinese hackers. Shishir Nagaraja, a postdoctoral research associate with the Information Trust Institute of the University…
How gaming, as the first media market to successfully transition toward media-as-a-service, is an exemplar for a similar evolutionary transition of content and entertainment.
Seeking funding for current and future computing initiatives requires both a strong argument and a broad community of supporters.
The U.S. Supreme Court will narrow the universe of process innovations that can be patented to those that are "technological," but what will that mean for software?
Surveying the increasing variety and nature of ethical challenges encountered by computing researchers and practitioners.
Learning to build virtual teams of people of diverse backgrounds is an urgent challenge.
Emphasizing the importance of creating more programs and investing more funding toward the goal of developing minority faculty at research universities.
Considering the nebulous question of ownership in the virtual realm.