Credit: Akihabara News
South Korea's announcement that it will ban all school paper textbooks and replace them with electronic tablets by 2014 should ring alarm bells in the United States, Europe and Latin America — many of our children run the risk of being left even farther behind their digital-savvy Asian counterparts.
Already, according to a new study by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, South Korea is the top country in the world where 15-year-old students make the best use of Internet-connected computers in schools.
Perhaps not by coincidence, South Korea is also one of the world's leading countries in the latest worldwide PISA test of 15-year-old students, where it ranked No. 2 in students' reading comprehension, after Shanghai, China. The United States ranked 17th. Now, the learning gap between South Korean students and those of most Western countries may widen further.
From The Miami Herald
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