"Technology does not produce miracles, but connectivity even modest amounts changes lives," Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt said at the opening of the CeBIT technology show.
Credit: Stephen Shankland / CNet
Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt believes the Internet is breaking down national barriers. "Loyalty is not just to a nation but to friends and interests," Schmidt said in a speech at the opening ceremony of the CeBIT technology show Tuesday (March 6). "That will change everything for citizens, states, and society."
Cross-border linking isn't just a glorified pen-pal movement. It's the foundation of a global culture, he said. "I've always believed the Web is more than a network of machines. It's a network of minds that's evolving into a global conscience," Schmidt said. "The Web unites all of us in sentiment and action."
Google has a strong interest in seeing that more global culture emerge.
From CNet Asia
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