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Communications of the ACM

CACM online

Communications Preps Web-Enhanced Articles


The soon to launch Communications Web site will break the bounds of the printed monthly. One way it will do that is by publishing extra content with many articles from the Communications magazine. Every article from the magazine will be available online, and authors and contributors are enhancing the online presentation of their articles by providing supplementary material in various multimedia formats. This includes related links, sidebars, podcasts, images, videos, and other material that does not appear in the print publication. These additions take advantage of the Web's versatility, and provide readers with rich, robust content.

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Webby Whatchamacallit

Although Webster's dictionary doesn't define "widgets" as a Web-site feature (nor does Encarta or American Heritage), Communications' new Web site will have lots of them. Wikipedia calls widgets an "object on a computer screen the user interacts with." The widgets on will be text boxes that link readers to the site's most viewed, most emailed, most discussed articles, and to other content. Like any good design, widgets are both functional and decorative. They lead to information and enhance the look and feel of the site.

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