Credit: Shutterstock / Andrij Borys Associates
Future homes will employ potentially hundreds of Internet of Things (IoT) devices whose sensors may inadvertently leak sensitive information. A previous Communications Inside Risks column ("The Future of the Internet of Things," Feb. 2017) discusses how the expected scale of the IoT introduces threats that require considerations and mitigations.2 Future homes are an IoT hotspot that will be particularly at risk. Sensitive information such as passwords, identification, and financial transactions are abundant in the home—as are sensor systems such as digital assistants, smartphones, and interactive home appliances that may unintentionally capture this sensitive information. IoT device manufacturers should employ sensor sensor permissioning systems to limit applications access to only sensor data required for operation, reducing the risk that malicious applications may gain sensitive information. For example, a simple notepad application should not have microphone access. However, even if this least-privilege approach was enacted across all IoT systems (a difficult task), sensor systems still gather much more information than intended or required by an application—for example, how motion sensors can capture nearby sounds, including words and keystrokes. We call this oversensing: where authorized access to sensor data provides an application with superfluous and potentially sensitive information. Manufacturers and system designers must employ the principle of least privilege at a more fine-grained level and with awareness of how often different sensors overlap in the sensitive information they leak. We project that directing technical efforts toward a more holistic conception of sensor data in system design and permissioning will reduce risks of oversensing.
Oversensing unintentionally leaks potentially sensitive information, such as login information, user location, and identification information, through sensor data. Smart-device manufacturers prevent malicious applications from trivially obtaining such information through sensor permissioning systems, attempting to limit applications to only necessary sensors. However, oversensing subverts permissioning systems; one sensor's data may allow an adversary to access sensitive information that should require a different permission. For example, motion sensor access may provide information on nearby speech. Intelligent attackers may then covertly decipher the sensitive information using tools such as machine learning.
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