A new youth survey by Dazed reports that just 9% of Gen-Zers want to stay on social media; fatigue with digital substitutes for real life may be even broader than just the Zoom-fatigued legions working from home.
Silicon Valley's tech billionaires seem increasingly convinced that an actual metaverse is just over the horizon.
But virtual reality—and augmented reality after it—have run into a continual problem: people mostly like reality. People have liked visual entertainment for as long as there have been screens, for as long as there have been theaters. But, like all entertainment, visual entertainment has its time and its place. Remember Google Glass?
And, tech oligarchs like Mark Zuckerberg, with his Sauron-like ambition to own the One Ring to rule them all, seem like the worst choice to put in charge of building a new world.
From The Guardian
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