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Communications of the ACM

ACM Opinion

Reverse Brain Drain to India and China

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America is a great place to start a company. Reports state that 52 percent of all Silicon Valley companies were started by immigrants. The problem is, it is now more advantageous for folks to go back to China, India and Europe rather than sticking around in America starting companies. This is a huge problem that is not being addressed and needs to be.

The United States is a nation of immigrants. We are who we are because of the dynamics of immigration and the possibility of anything. The problem now is that we are not graduating enough computer science, information systems, and information security people in this country. We are not getting enough people into the computer science trade, or even STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) to fill the needs that this country has. We count on a large number of foreign nationals coming to this country, falling in love with it, and staying to start their company and raising a family.

Unfortunately, people are starting to think that this is still a great place to go to school, but not a such a great place to stay and start a company. Of all the things we cannot afford, losing our countries technological edge is dancing with disaster.

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