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ACM TechNews

Robots Will Replace All Workers in 25 Years: Futurist

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Cisco Systems futurist Dave Evans says the future of computing includes robots replacing all workers in 25 years. Evans also predicts that in five years people will create the equivalent of 92 million Libraries of Congress worth of data per year and that artificial brain implants will be available in 20 years. His predictions are based on several assumptions, including the pace of change seen over the last 30 years.

"Because of the law of large numbers, things are accelerating at an exponential rate," Evans says. He expects the world's data will increase six times in each of the next two years, and that by 2029 it will cost $100 for 11 petabytes of storage. By 2013, wireless network traffic will reach 400 petabytes per month, compared to 9 petabytes per month today.

Around 2021, says Evans, a breakthrough in quantum computing will making "mind-blowingly fast" computers that can perform instantaneous language translation, more accurate face recognition, and networks that can transmit unlimited amounts of data.

From Network World Canada
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