U.S. Undersecretary of Energy Steven Koonin addressed a crowd at a conference in Chattanooga on Monday morning.
Credit: Dan Henry / Chattanooga Times Free Press
China is expected to dethrone Tennessee as the home of the world's fastest computer by November, a top U.S. Energy Department official said Monday (July 12). That's when China's Nebulae supercomputer in Shenzhen reaches peak performance, said U.S. Energy Undersecretary Steven Koonin. But planned upgrades of the Cray Jaguar computer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory should help America regain the lead by 2012, he said.
While in Chattanooga Monday, Koonin told a conference of computer scientists that the United States must stay focused upon computational science and investment to help maintain its lead in innovation. "High performance computing feeds itself," Koonin said during the opening session of a conference in Chattanooga. "I think it is the only technology that enables the design of the next generation of systems and, once you fall off the exponential curve, it's really hard to get back on."
From Chattanooga Times Free Press
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