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The 'Terms and Conditions' Reckoning Is Coming
From ACM Opinion

The 'Terms and Conditions' Reckoning Is Coming

Eleanor Margolis had used PayPal for more than a decade when the online payment provider blocked her account in January. The reason: She was 16 years old when she...

The Tech Giants' Secret War Against Fake News Is Too Secret
From ACM Opinion

The Tech Giants' Secret War Against Fake News Is Too Secret

Facebook, Google, and Twitter have a problem with harmful content.

Remembering Silicon Valley's First Giant, Intel's Andrew Grove
From ACM Opinion

Remembering Silicon Valley's First Giant, Intel's Andrew Grove

Silicon Valley is full of logical absolutists, people who will follow a line of argument wherever it goes, no matter what the human repercussions.

Apple's Deep Learning Curve
From ACM Opinion

Apple's Deep Learning Curve

In the world of artificial intelligence, one of the year's biggest coming-out parties is the Neural Information Processing Systems conference.

Why Rite Aid and Cvs Stopped Taking Apple Pay
From ACM Opinion

Why Rite Aid and Cvs Stopped Taking Apple Pay

The introduction of Apple Pay last Monday was widely described as the dawn of a new era for smartphone payments.

Is China a Scientific Powerhouse?
From ACM Opinion

Is China a Scientific Powerhouse?

China has vastly expanded higher education over the past three decades—in 1982, less than 1 percent of China’s twenty-somethings had attended college; by 2010,...

Why the Googlification of Obamacare Really Matters
From ACM Opinion

Why the Googlification of Obamacare Really Matters

The Internet is piling yet more vitriol on the shoddy Obamacare rollout in response to a report, by Bloomberg's Alex Wayne, that the administration has recruited...

Why Apple Wants Its Software to Be Free
From ACM Opinion

Why Apple Wants Its Software to Be Free

Who knew Apple would become such a big shareware company?

Nsa Surveillance Makes For Strange Bedfellows
From ACM Opinion

Nsa Surveillance Makes For Strange Bedfellows

The controversy over U.S. government surveillance has produced a king-size collection of strange bedfellows. Beneath the covers one finds both amusing ironies and...

Balancing Security and Liberty in the Age of Big Data
From ACM Opinion

Balancing Security and Liberty in the Age of Big Data

A very large Internet company once had the noble impulse to share some of its data with the research community.

How Boston Police Won the Twitter Wars During the Marathon Bomber Hunt
From ACM Opinion

How Boston Police Won the Twitter Wars During the Marathon Bomber Hunt

The first official announcement that law enforcement agencies had concluded their manhunt for Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev didn't come at a...

Apple and the Mysterious Case of the Missing Moonshot
From ACM Opinion

Apple and the Mysterious Case of the Missing Moonshot

When John Morrell left his post at Yale University last year and decamped to Apple, some members of the robotics community were perplexed.

Brogrammers Making Sex Jokes and Other Reasons Startups Need Hr Departments
From ACM Opinion

Brogrammers Making Sex Jokes and Other Reasons Startups Need Hr Departments

When I worked at a startup, we jokingly referred to our "HR department"—a cardboard box that held resumes, NDAs, tax forms, whatever.

Why Private Companies Won't Make ­p For Cuts in Government Science Funding
From ACM Opinion

Why Private Companies Won't Make ­p For Cuts in Government Science Funding

The budget cuts that took effect last week could wipe out as much as $54 billion in federal funding of science, research, and innovation over the next five years...

The 3 Most-Important Things at Mobile World Congress
From ACM Opinion

The 3 Most-Important Things at Mobile World Congress

Gadget fans walked away this week from Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the annual geek fest for connected devices, grumbling about a glaring lack of breakthrough...

Atari's Bankruptcy: Gen X Bids Pong Farewell
From ACM Careers

Atari's Bankruptcy: Gen X Bids Pong Farewell

Reading the news that Atari’s U.S. subsidiary is filing for bankruptcy was a little like hearing that Bob Hope died—in that you were surprised to discover he had...

Why We Should Remember Aaron Swartz
From ACM Opinion

Why We Should Remember Aaron Swartz

The Internet is not so old. Its graybeards live still. Vint Cerf, author of the Internet Protocol, has been installed as Google's "chief Internet evangelist," a...

A Short To-Do List For Intel's Next Ceo
From ACM News

A Short To-Do List For Intel's Next Ceo

With Paul Otellini heading in May to the nearest 18-hole course, speculation is rampant about who will replace him.

Apple Needs to Find Its Exit Strategy From China
From ACM Opinion

Apple Needs to Find Its Exit Strategy From China

"IPhone5 Launch Causes Riots" You'd expect to see headlines like this when consumers beat down doors and trample each other, yet these riots were in China, among...

The Iphone 5's A6 Chip Could Be Apple's Sweetest Revenge Against Samsung
From ACM Opinion

The Iphone 5's A6 Chip Could Be Apple's Sweetest Revenge Against Samsung

Four years ago, Apple set out on a dangerous path. It spent about $300 million on a struggling chip designer called PA Semi. The purchase signaled that Apple intended...
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