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AI Model Transferability in Healthcare: A Sociotechnical Perspective
From ACM Opinion

AI Model Transferability in Healthcare: A Sociotechnical Perspective

To realize the promised benefits of applying AI and ML models at scale, a roadmap of the challenges and potential solutions to sociotechnical transferability is...

The Race to Save the Internet from Quantum Hackers
From ACM Opinion

The Race to Save the Internet from Quantum Hackers

The quantum computer revolution could break encryption, but more-secure algorithms can safeguard privacy

Governing AI Safety through Independent Audits
From ACM Opinion

Governing AI Safety through Independent Audits

Governance of highly automated systems is critical to garner widespread public trust

Google's AI Approach to Microchips Is Welcome—but Needs Care
From ACM Opinion

Google's AI Approach to Microchips Is Welcome—but Needs Care

Artificial intelligence can help the electronics industry to speed up chip design. But the gains must be shared equitably.

Defining a Role for AI Ethics in National Security
From ACM Opinion

Defining a Role for AI Ethics in National Security

Mariarosaria Taddeo, an associate professor and senior research fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute and Dstl Ethics Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, discusses...

Robots on the Run
From ACM Opinion

Robots on the Run

Young animals gallop across fields, climb trees and immediately find their feet with enviable grace after they fall.

How 2D Semiconductors Could Extend Moore's Law
From ACM Opinion

How 2D Semiconductors Could Extend Moore's Law

The number of components in electronic circuits has doubled every two years since the 1960s—a trend known as Moore's law.

How to Land a Journal Cover
From ACM Opinion

How to Land a Journal Cover

Researchers: Felice Frankel will make photographers of you all. Photography—both macro- and microscopic—is an essential tool in science, because pictures are both...

Technologies to Watch in 2019
From ACM Opinion

Technologies to Watch in 2019

Seven specialists forecast the developments that will push their fields forward in the year ahead.

Cinematic and Scientific Techniques Combine to Show How a Long-Extinct Creature Moved
From ACM Opinion

Cinematic and Scientific Techniques Combine to Show How a Long-Extinct Creature Moved

The trolls and orcs in The Lord of the Rings films aren't real. The dragons and dire wolves on the hit television show Game of Thrones are simulated. The dinosaurs...

Dreaming of Death Rays: The Search for Laser Weapons
From ACM Opinion

Dreaming of Death Rays: The Search for Laser Weapons

Lasers first emerged nearly 60 years ago, but the idea of using powerful beams of heat or light is hardly new.

Classical and Quantum Computers Are Vying for Superiority
From ACM Opinion

Classical and Quantum Computers Are Vying for Superiority

Will 2019 be the year when quantum computers show they have the right stuff? Google says so; one of the company's labs, in Santa Barbara, California, has promised...

AI Can Be Sexist and Racist; It's Time to Make It Fair
From ACM Opinion

AI Can Be Sexist and Racist; It's Time to Make It Fair

When Google Translate converts news articles written in Spanish into English, phrases referring to women often become "he said" or "he wrote."

Before Reproducibility Must Come Preproducibility
From ACM Opinion

Before Reproducibility Must Come Preproducibility

From time to time over the past few years, I've politely refused requests to referee an article on the grounds that it lacks enough information for me to check...

Regulate Artificial Intelligence to Avert Cyber Arms Race
From ACM Opinion

Regulate Artificial Intelligence to Avert Cyber Arms Race

Cyberattacks are becoming more frequent, sophisticated and destructive. Each day in 2017, the United States suffered, on average, more than 4,000 ransomware attacks...

The Ageless Appeal of 2001: A Space Odyssey 
From ACM Opinion

The Ageless Appeal of 2001: A Space Odyssey 

In 1968, film-maker Stanley Kubrick and his screenwriting colleague, science-fiction author Arthur C. Clarke, presented 2001: A Space Odyssey. Half a century later...

Fourier's Transformational Thinking
From ACM Opinion

Fourier's Transformational Thinking

When you listen to digital music, the harmonies and chords that you hear have probably been reconstructed from a file that stored them as components of different...

Does Your Code Stand ­p to Scrutiny?
From ACM Opinion

Does Your Code Stand ­p to Scrutiny?

Computer code written by scientists forms the basis of an increasing number of studies across many fields—and an increasing number of papers that report the results...

How to Make Replication the Norm
From ACM Opinion

How to Make Replication the Norm

Replication is essential for building confidence in research studies, yet it is still the exception rather than the rule.

Five Priorities For Weather and Climate Research
From ACM Opinion

Five Priorities For Weather and Climate Research

Meteorology is entering a new era. Demand is growing worldwide for forecasts of storms, floods and droughts.
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