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Genome-Editing Revolution: My Whirlwind Year with Crispr
From ACM Opinion

Genome-Editing Revolution: My Whirlwind Year with Crispr

Some 20 months ago, I started having trouble sleeping.

Crispr: A Path Through the Thicket
From ACM Opinion

Crispr: A Path Through the Thicket

The ease of use, accuracy and efficiency of the genome-editing tool CRISPR/Cas9 has led to its broad adoption in research, as well as to preliminary applications...

Informatics: Make Sense of Health Data
From ACM Opinion

Informatics: Make Sense of Health Data

If you are wondering whether exposure to some chemical could increase your chances of getting colon cancer, you could easily find supportive evidence from animal...

Don't Edit the Human Germ Line
From ACM Opinion

Don't Edit the Human Germ Line

It is thought that studies involving the use of genome-editing tools to modify the DNA of human embryos will be published shortly.

Satellites: Make Earth Observations Open Access
From ACM Opinion

Satellites: Make Earth Observations Open Access

Changes in land cover affect the global climate by absorbing and reflecting solar radiation, and by altering fluxes of heat, water vapour, carbon dioxide and other...

Academics Should Not Remain Silent on Hacking
From ACM Opinion

Academics Should Not Remain Silent on Hacking

The revelation that U.S. and British spy agencies have undermined a commonly used encryption code should alarm researchers.

Publishing: Open Citations
From ACM Opinion

Publishing: Open Citations

When Heather Piwowar set out in May last year to investigate whether making research data publicly available increased the citation rates of articles, she never...

From ACM Opinion

Beware the Creeping Cracks of Bias

Alarming cracks are starting to penetrate deep into the scientific edifice. They threaten the status of science and its value to society. And they cannot be blamed...
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