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A Rosie Future: Jetsons-Like Gadgets with 'ambient Intelligence' Are Key to Smart Homes and Cities
From ACM Opinion

A Rosie Future: Jetsons-Like Gadgets with 'ambient Intelligence' Are Key to Smart Homes and Cities

Fifty years after The Jetsons promised us a future of robot maids, flying cars, video phones and meals at the push of a button, it seems that reality may actually...

Supercomputers Can Save ­.s. Manufacturing
From ACM Opinion

Supercomputers Can Save ­.s. Manufacturing

High-performance computing developed at the national labs powers much of the innovation behind the most successful U.S. commercial firms. This expertise may also...

One Thing Is Certain: Heisenberg's ­Uncertainty Principle Is Not Dead
From ACM Opinion

One Thing Is Certain: Heisenberg's ­Uncertainty Principle Is Not Dead

A demonstration by experimenters at the Vienna University of Technology violates Heisenberg's original version of his uncertainty principle, but confirms a newer...

How to Make Science and Tech Jobs More Enticing to Undergrads
From ACM Opinion

How to Make Science and Tech Jobs More Enticing to Undergrads

The number of U.S. undergraduate degrees being awarded in most STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering and math) has risen steadily in recent years...

How Siri Makes Computers (and Coders) More Human
From ACM TechNews

How Siri Makes Computers (and Coders) More Human

Siri, a program in the latest Apple iPhone that can carry out a wide spectrum of vocal commands without requiring training or special syntax from the user, stands...

Read My Email? Get a Warrant
From ACM Opinion

Read My Email? Get a Warrant

Last October the well-known hacking group Chaos Computer Club revealed that the German state police had been monitoring the computers of ordinary citizens using...

From ACM Opinion

How Can Malware Be Stopped?

The world of cybersecurity is starting to resemble a paranoid thriller.

From ACM Opinion

The Joke's on Your Computer: The Latest Humor Coded Into Software

In Google Maps, the distance-measuring tool offers a choice of three unit systems: Metric, English or "I’m Feeling Geeky." If you click the third one, you’re...

­se It Better: The Worst Trends in Tech
From ACM Opinion

­se It Better: The Worst Trends in Tech

Consumer technology doesn't always get better, faster and cheaper. Here are four bad moves that prove the future isn't always bright.

From ACM Opinion

Big Progress on the Little Things

In the trenches of consumer technology, there’s plenty to complain about. Today's cell-phone contracts are exorbitant and illogical (why has the price of a text...

Howard Stern Calls Out Rick Perry For His Anti-Science Views
From ACM Opinion

Howard Stern Calls Out Rick Perry For His Anti-Science Views

No shortage of articles have been published about the deep distrust exhibited by most 2012 Republican presidential candidates toward specific scientific findings—notably...

From ACM Opinion

Can Math Beat Financial Markets?

Wall Street's wild swings last week helped skew both retirement portfolios and mathematical models of the financial markets. After all, a standard Gaussian function—a...

From ACM Opinion

Why Gadgets Flop

According to the old saying, you learn more from a failure than a success. Well, if that's the case, the consumer electronics industry ought to have a master's...

From ACM Opinion

Critical Mass: How to Maintain the Power of Online Reviews

The wisdom of crowds can be brilliant. It can also be corrupt.

Electronic Health Records Face Human Hurdles More Than Technological Ones
From ACM News

Electronic Health Records Face Human Hurdles More Than Technological Ones

In medicine, there's the patient and there's the chart. And the chart is paper.

Keep the Internet Fair
From ACM Opinion

Keep the Internet Fair

The government's net neutrality compromise fell flat. Here's a simple fix.

Gadget Politics: Why Tech Fans Share the Love and Hate
From ACM Opinion

Gadget Politics: Why Tech Fans Share the Love and Hate

I’ve been a consumer technology critic for over 10 years. During that time, hate mail has been part of my job every day.

From ACM Opinion

Long Live the Web: A Call For Continued Open Standards and Neutrality

The Web is critical not merely to the digital revolution but to our continued prosperity—and even our liberty. Like democracy itself, it needs defending.

From ACM Opinion

I'm Not a Real Scientist, and That's Okay

What kind of discipline is computer science? I thought it was a science when I received my bachelor's degree. I believed its subdiscipline software engineering...

A Q&A With a PARC Pioneer Reflecting on 'the Office of the Future' 40 Years Later
From ACM Opinion

A Q&A With a PARC Pioneer Reflecting on 'the Office of the Future' 40 Years Later

Palo Alto Research Center research fellow David Biegelsen, who has been at Xerox's legendary R&D lab from the beginning, reflected on being at the forefront of...
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