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subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorScientific American

Who Is Liable when AI Kills?
From ACM Opinion

Who Is Liable when AI Kills?

We need to change rules and institutions while still promoting innovation to protect people from faulty artificial intelligence.

ChatGPT Can Improve Education, not Threaten It
From ACM Opinion

ChatGPT Can Improve Education, not Threaten It

A professor explains why he is allowing students to incorporate ChatGPT into their writing process instead of banning it.

AI in Medicine Is Overhyped
From ACM Opinion

AI in Medicine Is Overhyped

AI models for healthcare that predict disease are not as accurate as reports might suggest.

AI Needs Pragmatists and Blue-Sky Visionaries
From ACM Opinion

AI Needs Pragmatists and Blue-Sky Visionaries

For humanity's brightest future, the blue-sky, lofty thinkers in AI need the help of the muddy-boots pragmatists.

Should Machines Replace Mathematicians?
From ACM Opinion

Should Machines Replace Mathematicians?

A "replication crisis" in mathematics raises questions about the purpose of knowledge.

Who Is Liable when AI Kills?
From ACM Opinion

Who Is Liable when AI Kills?

We need to change rules and institutions while still promoting innovation to protect people from faulty AI.

Artificial General Intelligence Is Not as Imminent as You Might Think
From ACM Opinion

Artificial General Intelligence Is Not as Imminent as You Might Think

A close look reveals that the newest systems, including DeepMind's much-hyped Gato, are still stymied by the same old problems.

We Should Not Try to Make Conscious Software—Until We Should
From ACM Opinion

We Should Not Try to Make Conscious Software—Until We Should

Eventually, the most ethical option might be to divert all resources toward building very happy machines.

Why We Forgive Humans More Readily Than Machines
From ACM Opinion

Why We Forgive Humans More Readily Than Machines

When things go wrong, flexible moral intuitions cause us to judge computers more severely

'Small Data' Is Also Crucial for Machine Learning
From ACM Opinion

'Small Data' Is Also Crucial for Machine Learning

The most promising AI approach you've never heard of doesn't need to go big

The FDA Should Better Regulate Medical Algorithms
From ACM Opinion

The FDA Should Better Regulate Medical Algorithms

Most do not require the agency's approval, and those that do often don't require clinical trial

'Self-Driving' Cars Begin to Emerge from a Cloud of Hype
From ACM Opinion

'Self-Driving' Cars Begin to Emerge from a Cloud of Hype

Developers try to overcome a multitude of technical challenges before vehicles drive on their own

The Question Medical AI Can't Answer
From ACM Opinion

The Question Medical AI Can't Answer

It's unable to tell us why it came to a particular decision—and that's crucial information

Don't Regulate Artificial Intelligence: Starve It
From ACM Opinion

Don't Regulate Artificial Intelligence: Starve It

The potential dangers of artificial intelligence are great enough to required great care about how powerful we allow it to become.

AI Isn't a Solution to All Our Problems
From ACM Opinion

AI Isn't a Solution to All Our Problems

It's simply a tool—and hardly a perfect one

I Competed Against An AI
From ACM Opinion

I Competed Against An AI

Marc Zao-Sanders, founder and CEO of Filtered, squared off against magpie, the set of algorithms that recommends learning content to people looking to pick up new...

Don't Fear the Terminator
From ACM Opinion

Don't Fear the Terminator

The fear that artificial intelligence machines could become our overlords — or perhaps wipe us out altogether — reflects a misunderstanding of AI.

Don't Let Robots Pull the Trigger
From ACM Opinion

Don't Let Robots Pull the Trigger

The killer machines are coming. Robotic weapons that target and destroy without human supervision are poised to start a revolution in warfare comparable to the...

AI's Big Challenge
From ACM Opinion

AI's Big Challenge

The recently signed executive order establishing the American AI Initiative correctly identifies artificial intelligence as central to American competitiveness...

Clicks, Lies and Videotape
From ACM Opinion

Clicks, Lies and Videotape

This past April a new video of Barack Obama surfaced on the Internet. Against a backdrop that included both the American and presidential flags, it looked like...
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