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subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorThe Washington Post

How Tetris Explains the Promise of the ­ltimate Algorithm
From ACM Opinion

How Tetris Explains the Promise of the ­ltimate Algorithm

Pedro Domingos is a serious guy with big ambitions.

The Very Best Ideas For Preventing Artificial Intelligence from Wrecking the Planet
From ACM Opinion

The Very Best Ideas For Preventing Artificial Intelligence from Wrecking the Planet

The Boston-based Future of Life Institute, backed by a $10 million donation from Elon Musk, recently announced its list of 37 winners of research grants in the....

No One Questions Google's Ability to Innovate, So Why Do Its Moonshots Look Like Money Pits?
From ACM Opinion

No One Questions Google's Ability to Innovate, So Why Do Its Moonshots Look Like Money Pits?

Consider a question that we have been puzzling over at the World Economic Forum.

Love in the Time of Bots
From ACM Opinion

Love in the Time of Bots

Convincing people to have a romantic relationship with a computer might be easier than it sounds.

What 'the Imitation Game' Didn't Tell You About Turing's Greatest Triumph
From ACM Opinion

What 'the Imitation Game' Didn't Tell You About Turing's Greatest Triumph

Freeman Dyson, 91, the famed physicist, author and oracle of human destiny, is holding forth after tea-time one February afternoon in the common room of the Institute...

Robots Are Sneaking ­p On Congress (along with Four Other Tech Trends)
From ACM Opinion

Robots Are Sneaking ­p On Congress (along with Four Other Tech Trends)

One of the best Twitter accounts inside the Beltway or out—belongs to former representativeJohn Dingell (D-Mich.), who announced his retirement with self-effacing...

Driverless Cars Can't Come Soon Enough
From ACM Opinion

Driverless Cars Can't Come Soon Enough

We all know the tragedy of car accidents.

Some Predict Computers Will Produce a Jobless Future. Here's Why They're Wrong.
From ACM Opinion

Some Predict Computers Will Produce a Jobless Future. Here's Why They're Wrong.

Will "smart machines" steal our jobs?

10 Bold Predictions For 2014
From ACM Opinion

10 Bold Predictions For 2014

At the beginning of each year, it's possible to make predictions about the future of the tech sector simply by extrapolating from data in the latest Mary Meeker...

Why Mapping the Human Brain Matters
From ACM Opinion

Why Mapping the Human Brain Matters

It turns out that President Barack Obama’s head-scratching mention of a project to map the human brain in his most recent State of the Union speech was more than...

What the Baseball Hall of Fame Decision Could Mean For the Singularity
From ACM Opinion

What the Baseball Hall of Fame Decision Could Mean For the Singularity

If you buy into Ray Kurzweil's vision of the Singularity, then the future is a marvelous place where we’re all physically and mentally enhanced and living longer...

From ACM Opinion

Rethinking the Soul As the 'net Becomes More Lifelike

Does the Internet have a soul?

From ACM Opinion

A Hint of Deterrence in ­.s. Drone-War Strategy

Here’s the trickiest counterterrorism puzzle for U.S. policymakers: How do you stop al-Qaeda from attacking the American homeland without getting bogged down...

Robots With the Right Stuff
From ACM TechNews

Robots With the Right Stuff

Humans are outsourcing space exploration to machines thanks to remarkable technological advances that came about in the second half of the 20th century, writes...
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