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subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorThe Washington Post

The New AI Writing Tool Might Teach Us the Value of Truth
From ACM Opinion

The New AI Writing Tool Might Teach Us the Value of Truth

AI literally does not care what is true.

How AI Could Accidentally Extinguish Humankind
From ACM Opinion

How AI Could Accidentally Extinguish Humankind

Humanity is not prepared for artificial superintelligence right now.

Don't Give Your Dot-org Domain Away to a Private Company
From ACM Opinion

Don't Give Your Dot-org Domain Away to a Private Company

One of the Internet's most trusted assets — the dot-org domain used by nonprofits from UNICEF to your local food bank — is being hijacked.

What Was on a ­SB Fan Given at the Trump-Kim Summit? Security Experts Say Nothing, but Don't Plug It In.
From ACM Opinion

What Was on a ­SB Fan Given at the Trump-Kim Summit? Security Experts Say Nothing, but Don't Plug It In.

When journalists arrived in Singapore for the historic summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un last month, security experts were alarmed...

Whoa! Meet the Future Phones that Fold ­p, Have 9 Cameras and Charge Over Thin Air.
From ACM Opinion

Whoa! Meet the Future Phones that Fold ­p, Have 9 Cameras and Charge Over Thin Air.

Your next smartphone might just throw you a curve.

The Supreme Court Just Struck a Blow Against Mass Surveillance
From ACM Opinion

The Supreme Court Just Struck a Blow Against Mass Surveillance

The Supreme Court decided Friday that cell-site location information is protected by the Fourth Amendment's guarantee against unreasonable searches and seizures...

One Space Between Each Sentence, They Said. Science Just Proved Them Wrong.
From ACM Opinion

One Space Between Each Sentence, They Said. Science Just Proved Them Wrong.

In the beginning, the rules of the space bar were simple.  Two spaces after each period.  Every time.  Easy.

Someone Is Watching You
From ACM Opinion

Someone Is Watching You

Isn't technology wonderful? At Purdue University, the same IT infrastructure that enables us to manage student assignments and grades, operate residential and dining...

They Survived a School Shooting Only to Wage Battle in Some of the Nastiest Corners of the Internet
From ACM Opinion

They Survived a School Shooting Only to Wage Battle in Some of the Nastiest Corners of the Internet

In person, Sarah Chadwick and Jaclyn Corin are fierce. And young.

Don't Blame China, Mr. President. Blame the Robots.
From ACM Opinion

Don't Blame China, Mr. President. Blame the Robots.

Mr. President, if you're looking for someone to demonize for killing blue-collar jobs in your favorite industries, don't blame China and "bad trade deals." Blame...

Nissan Wants to Make You a Better Driver By Reading Your Mind
From ACM Opinion

Nissan Wants to Make You a Better Driver By Reading Your Mind

Might the car of the future be able to read your mind?

10 Ways Tech Will Shape Your Life in 2018, For Better and Worse
From ACM Opinion

10 Ways Tech Will Shape Your Life in 2018, For Better and Worse

Is the outlook for technology in 2018 exciting—or slightly terrifying? Flip a coin. You'd be right either way.

Why These Friendly Robots Can't Be Good Friends to Our Kids
From ACM Opinion

Why These Friendly Robots Can't Be Good Friends to Our Kids

Jibo the robot swivels around when it hears its name and tilts its touchscreen face upward, expectantly.

Apple Is Sharing Your Face with Apps. That's a New Privacy Worry.
From ACM Opinion

Apple Is Sharing Your Face with Apps. That's a New Privacy Worry.

Poop that mimics your facial expressions was just the beginning.

Human Vs. Machine Contests (real or Fictional) But Involving Ordinary Humans
From ACM Opinion

Human Vs. Machine Contests (real or Fictional) But Involving Ordinary Humans

I'm looking for a famous (or at least interesting) human vs. machine contest to use as an analogy in an article.

Apple Is Pulling Vpns from the Chinese App Store. Here's What that Means. 
From ACM Opinion

Apple Is Pulling Vpns from the Chinese App Store. Here's What that Means. 

China's restrictive Internet policies are known for blocking Web users who want to reach Google, Facebook or other banned apps. But now some of those policies are...

If You Could 'design' Your Own Child, Would You?
From ACM Opinion

If You Could 'design' Your Own Child, Would You?

Scientists in Portland, Ore., just succeeded in creating the first genetically modified human embryo in the United States, according to Technology Review.

Spreading Fake News Becomes Standard Practice For Governments Across the World
From ACM Opinion

Spreading Fake News Becomes Standard Practice For Governments Across the World

Campaigns to manipulate public opinion through false or misleading social media postings have become standard political practice across much of the world, with...

Why Robots Won't Steal All Our Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Why Robots Won't Steal All Our Jobs

Don't worry. The robots won't destroy all our jobs. History suggests just the opposite—that new technologies inspire new jobs.

The Latest Nsa Leak Is a Reminder that Your Bosses Can See Your Every Move
From ACM Opinion

The Latest Nsa Leak Is a Reminder that Your Bosses Can See Your Every Move

It took just days for authorities to arrest and charge a federal contractor with leaking classified intelligence to the media.
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