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Marc Maiffret: The Quick Rise of a Teen Hacker
From ACM Opinion

Marc Maiffret: The Quick Rise of a Teen Hacker

For Marc Maiffret, the turning point in his life came when—at the age of 17—he woke up to an FBI agent pointing a gun at his head. A runaway and high school dropout...

I Was Hacked in Beijing
From ACM Opinion

I Was Hacked in Beijing

The reality--and my fears--dawned only slowly. For weeks, friends and colleagues complained I had not answered their e-mail messages. I swore I had not received...

From ACM Opinion

Not Creating Content. Just Protecting It.

Should we be surprised that the biggest fight over freedom of expression in years involves Google, a company that produces algorithms rather than articles? Probably...

The Data-Structure Canon
From Communications of the ACM

The Data-Structure Canon

Data structures are part of the foundation of computer science. It pays to revisit them from time to time.

When Network Neutrality Met Privacy
From Communications of the ACM

When Network Neutrality Met Privacy

Incorporating the consideration of privacy into the ongoing debate concerning network neutrality.

Cloud Computing and SaaS as New Computing Platforms
From Communications of the ACM

Cloud Computing and SaaS as New Computing Platforms

To become an industry platform, vendors must open their infrastructure technology to other product companies.

Be Careful What You Wish For
From Communications of the ACM

Be Careful What You Wish For

Reflections on the decline of mathematical tables.

Development 2.0: The IT-Enabled Transformation of International Development
From Communications of the ACM

Development 2.0: The IT-Enabled Transformation of International Development

The fundamental assumptions of international development are changing, increasingly putting the tools for a digital economy into the hands of the world's poor. ...

From ACM Opinion

Google Is Definitely No "god"

Google announced at 3:00 a.m. Tuesday, March 23rd (Beijing Time) its decision to move most of its China-based search functions from the Chinese mainland to Hong...

Does the ­.s. Census Need a 21st-Century Makeover?
From ACM Opinion

Does the ­.s. Census Need a 21st-Century Makeover?

The Internet Age is upon us. But rather than circulating online, the 23rd Decennial Census stuck with the tried-and-true, and flooded the U.S. Postal Service March...

From ACM Opinion

Google Loss Won't Hamper Business Gains in China

When Google made its threat to pull out of China on January 12, it titled its online announcement "A new approach to China," indicating its high expectations for...

From ACM Opinion

Beware the Nsa

Early this year, the big brains at Google admitted that they had been outsmarted. Along with 33 other companies, the search giant had been the victim of a major...

From ACM Opinion

Google, Don't Politicalize Yourself

 From groundlessly accusing the Chinese government of supporting hacker attack against it to pushing China abandon the legal regulations on the Internet by threatening...

To Stop Crime, Share Your Genes
From ACM Opinion

To Stop Crime, Share Your Genes

Perhaps the only thing more surprising than President Obama’s decision to give an interview for "America’s Most Wanted" last weekend was his apparent agreement...

From ACM Opinion

Mike Mcconnell on How to Win the Cyber-War We're Losing

The United States is fighting a cyber-war today, and we are losing. It's that simple. As the most wired nation on Earth, we offer the most targets of significance...

How Chinese Hacked Google, and Why India Should Worry
From ACM Opinion

How Chinese Hacked Google, and Why India Should Worry

Google's announcement that it might withdraw from China has drawn attention to the aggressiveness of Chinese hackers.  Shishir Nagaraja, a postdoctoral research...

Less Is More in Google's Os
From ACM Opinion

Less Is More in Google's Os

"Chromium OS" is the open-source version of the new Chrome OS that Google is developing for netbooks, tablets, and other lightweight machines. It's built from...

Privacy on the Data Web
From Communications of the ACM

Privacy on the Data Web

Considering the nebulous question of ownership in the virtual realm.

Making the Case For Computing
From Communications of the ACM

Making the Case For Computing

Seeking funding for current and future computing initiatives requires both a strong argument and a broad community of supporters.

Hiring and Developing Minority Faculty at Research Universities
From Communications of the ACM

Hiring and Developing Minority Faculty at Research Universities

Emphasizing the importance of creating more programs and investing more funding toward the goal of developing minority faculty at research universities.
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