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Prosecute Assange ­nder the Espionage Act
From ACM Opinion

Prosecute Assange ­nder the Espionage Act

Just as the First Amendment is not a license to yell 'Fire!' in a crowded theater, it is also not a license to jeopardize national security.

The 24-Hour Athenian Democracy
From ACM Opinion

The 24-Hour Athenian Democracy

"I'm aware of your need to stay anonymous, but I have to be able to describe the scope of this movement. Can any of you tell me where you're typing from?"

From ACM Opinion

Why Wikileaks Is Good For America

A truly free press—one unfettered by concerns of nationalism—is apparently a terrifying problem for elected governments and tyrannies alike.

From ACM News

Every Day We Write the Book

What would happen if Facebook made its data available for research?

Assange on Secrecy, China, and Wikileaks' Growth
From ACM Opinion

Assange on Secrecy, China, and Wikileaks' Growth

"Secrecy is important for many things," said WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in an interview with Time over Skype on Monday. Managing editor Richard Stengel...

We Need a Research Data Census
From Communications of the ACM

We Need a Research Data Census

The increasing volume of research data highlights the need for reliable, cost-effective data storage and preservation at the national scale.

Literate Coding
From Communications of the ACM

Literate Coding

While it is true that "programmers aren't English majors," there are many days that I wish they were, or that...

The Role of Hispanic-Serving Institutions in Contributing to an Educated Work Force
From Communications of the ACM

The Role of Hispanic-Serving Institutions in Contributing to an Educated Work Force

In order to thrive and even survive in the worldwide marketplace of ideas and innovation, the U.S. must aggressively...

IBM's Single-Processor Supercomputer Efforts
From Communications of the ACM

IBM's Single-Processor Supercomputer Efforts

Imagine a CPU designed to issue and execute up to seven instructions per clock cycle, with a clock rate 10 times faster than the reigning supercomputer. This is...

The Coming African Tsunami of Information Insecurity
From Communications of the ACM

The Coming African Tsunami of Information Insecurity

As the affordability and use of mobile phones in Africa increase, so too will security vulnerabilities.

Could Terrorists Launch America's Nuclear Missiles?
From ACM Opinion

Could Terrorists Launch America's Nuclear Missiles?

The Air Force calls the situation "Launch Facilities Down." On Oct. 23, a Wyoming-based squadron of 50 nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)—enough...

The Speed Camera that Doesn't Just Check Your Speed
From ACM News

The Speed Camera that Doesn't Just Check Your Speed

Everyone knows that speed cameras work. They create the discipline of a lissom lady in leather and make sure everyone understands just what the rules are. In fact...

The Day the Internet Threw a Righteous Hissyfit About Copyright And Pie
From ACM Opinion

The Day the Internet Threw a Righteous Hissyfit About Copyright And Pie

So you might have heard a story yesterday about a little magazine called Cooks Source. Up until then, you might never have heard of Cooks Source. But maybe you've...

Is China a Supercomputer Threat? (Q&A)
From ACM Opinion

Is China a Supercomputer Threat? (Q&A)

With China expected to officially take the supercomputer performance crown next month, I asked an expert about the state of supercomputing in the U.S. and whether...

Google Is Polluting the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Google Is Polluting the Internet

The danger of allowing an advertising company to control the index of human knowledge is too obvious to ignore.

From ACM Opinion

Declare War on Wikileaks

The Pentagon looks defenseless against cyberwarfare.

From Communications of the ACM

In Support of Computer Science Teachers and the CSTA

If we want more computer science students, and if we want computer scientists to be understood for what we are, we must clarify the message about computer science...

Sensor Networks For the Sciences
From Communications of the ACM

Sensor Networks For the Sciences

Lessons from the field derived from developing wireless sensor networks for monitoring active and hazardous volcanoes.

Why Isn't Cyberspace More Secure?
From Communications of the ACM

Why Isn't Cyberspace More Secure?

Evaluating governmental actions—and inactions—toward improving cyber security and addressing future challenges.

Why Do Software Startups Patent (or Not)?
From Communications of the ACM

Why Do Software Startups Patent (or Not)?

Assessing the controversial results of a recent empirical study of the role of intellectual property in software startups.
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