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Outsourcing Versus Shared Services
From Communications of the ACM

Outsourcing Versus Shared Services

Choosing between outsourcing and shared services has significant implications for long-term corporate strategy.

Against Instant Replay
From ACM Opinion

Against Instant Replay

Extraordinary cases make bad law. In a sense, Armando Galarraga’s non-perfect perfect game, spoiled by an umpire’s call on what should have been the 27th out, offers...

Institutional Review Boards and Your Research
From Communications of the ACM

Institutional Review Boards and Your Research

Researchers in computer science departments throughout the U.S. are violating federal law and their own organization's...

Intel's Rebates: Above Board or Below the Belt?
From Communications of the ACM

Intel's Rebates: Above Board or Below the Belt?

Over several years, Intel paid billions of dollars to its customers. Was it to force them to boycott products developed by its rival AMD or so they could sell its...

Privacy By Design: Moving From Art to Practice
From Communications of the ACM

Privacy By Design: Moving From Art to Practice

Designing privacy into systems at the beginning of the development process necessitates the effective translation of privacy principles, models, and mechanisms...

Myths and Fallacies of 'Personally Identifiable Information'
From Communications of the ACM

Myths and Fallacies of 'Personally Identifiable Information'

Developing effective privacy protection technologies is a critical challenge for security and privacy research as the amount and variety of data collected about...

How the ­.s. Military Can Win the Robotic Revolution
From ACM Opinion

How the ­.s. Military Can Win the Robotic Revolution

One of the great conundrums of war and technology is the odd fact that there is no such thing as a permanent first-mover advantage.

The Cyborg Insects Are Coming!
From ACM Opinion

The Cyborg Insects Are Coming!

Telepathic helmets. Grid-computing swarms of cyborg insects, some for surveillance, some with lethal stingers. New cognitive-enhancement drugs. (What? AdderallProvigil...

From ACM Opinion

Web Browsers Leave 'fingerprints' Behind as You Surf the Net

New research by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has found that an overwhelming majority of web browsers have unique signatures--creating identifiable "fingerprints"...

From ACM Opinion

Immigration and Ids: A Modest Proposal

All Americans--whether brown, white, or black--should be required to carry a passport showing they are red, white, and blue.

From ACM Opinion

Apple: The Microsoft of Mobile?

Apple could soon be the target of an antitrust investigation by either the Federal Trade Commission or the Department of Justice, according to numerous press reports...

From ACM Opinion

Facebook's 'evil Interfaces'

Social networking companies don't have it easy. Advertisers covet their users' data, and in a niche that often seems to lack a clear business model, selling (or...

From ACM Opinion

App Rejected? There's a Rule For That.

The story could have been programmed to draw media coverage, were it not for its implausibility: Apple (a reader magnet) banned a future Pulitzer Prize winner's...

Internet Age Needs Clear Regulation, Computer Law Expert Says
From ACM Opinion

Internet Age Needs Clear Regulation, Computer Law Expert Says

Tracy Mitrano, Cornell University's director of IT Policy says the recent U.S. Federal Appeals Court decision in Comcast v. FCC and the FCC's efforts to enforce...

Great Computing Museums of the World, Part Two
From Communications of the ACM

Great Computing Museums of the World, Part Two

The second of a two-part series highlighting several of the world's museums dedicated to preserving, exhibiting, and elucidating computing history.

Is Mobile Email Addiction Overlooked?
From Communications of the ACM

Is Mobile Email Addiction Overlooked?

Studying the prevalence of mobile email addiction and the associated possible implications for organizations.

Can IT Lean Against the Wind?
From Communications of the ACM

Can IT Lean Against the Wind?

Lessons from the global financial crisis.

How to Make Progress in Computing Education
From Communications of the ACM

How to Make Progress in Computing Education

Improving the research base for computing education requires securing competitive funding commitments.

Cloud Computing and Electricity: Beyond the Utility Model
From Communications of the ACM

Cloud Computing and Electricity: Beyond the Utility Model

Assessing the strengths, weaknesses, and general applicability of the computing-as-utility business model.

Has Apple Reached the Limits of Industrial Design?
From ACM Opinion

Has Apple Reached the Limits of Industrial Design?

The next iPhone is going to look amazing. This is as close to a truism as you get in the tech industry--it's sort of like predicting that Warren Buffett will make...
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