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Dennis Ritchie: The Shoulders Steve Jobs Stood On

The tributes to Dennis Ritchie won’t match the river of praise that spilled out over the web after the death of Steve Jobs. But they should.

From ACM Opinion

The Singularity Isn't Near

 Futurists like Vernor Vinge and Ray Kurzweil have argued that the world is rapidly approaching a tipping point, where the accelerating pace of smarter and smarter...

Cold-Calling Dennis Ritchie
From ACM Opinion

Cold-Calling Dennis Ritchie

When I was a grad student at the University of Wisconsin in 1978, I called Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs to tell him about the work I was doing with the Unix line...

From ACM Opinion

Prospero's Tempestuous Family

Abdulfattah "John" Jandali is a casino manager outside Reno, so he knows about odds.

From ACM Opinion

Why iOS 5 Is a Big Deal

While most of this week's attention is going to be on Apple's new iPhone 4S and how it sells, the most important thing to come out of the company is a new version...

Cloud-Powered Facial Recognition Is Terrifying
From ACM Opinion

Cloud-Powered Facial Recognition Is Terrifying

"I never forget a face," goes the Marx Brothers one-liner, "but in your case, I'll be glad to make an exception." Unlike Groucho Marx, unfortunately, the cloud...

From ACM Opinion

Steve Jobs and Me

 He said my 1971 article inspired him. His iBook obsessed me.

From ACM Opinion

What I Learned from Steve Jobs

 Many people have explained what one can learn from Steve Jobs. But few, if any, of these people have been inside the tent and experienced first hand what it was...

Steve Jobs: A Man of Contradiction and Genius
From ACM Opinion

Steve Jobs: A Man of Contradiction and Genius

When historians look back at the life of Steve Jobs, they will chronicle a man of contradiction and genius. But for the legions of Apple fans, it's personal.

The Steve Jobs I Knew
From ACM Opinion

The Steve Jobs I Knew

That Steve Jobs was a genius, a giant influence on multiple industries and billions of lives, has been written many times since he retired as Apple’s CEO in August...

Steve Jobs: 1955
From ACM Opinion

Steve Jobs: 1955

Steve Jobs is dead. One big question is whether the unbelievably innovative culture he forged will live. Jobs was not a great human being, but he was a great,...

From ACM Opinion

Innovation Starvation

My lifespan encompasses the era when the United States of America was capable of launching human beings into space.

From ACM Opinion

A Hint of Deterrence in ­.s. Drone-War Strategy

Here’s the trickiest counterterrorism puzzle for U.S. policymakers: How do you stop al-Qaeda from attacking the American homeland without getting bogged down...

From ACM Opinion

Apple's Cook to Woo Shoppers Without Pizzazz of Iphone 5

Apple Inc. this holiday season will have to prove it’s what’s on the inside that matters most.

From ACM Opinion

IT Inferno: The Nine Circles of IT Hell

Spend enough time in the tech industry, and you'll eventually find yourself in IT hell—one not unlike the underworld described by Dante in his "Divine Comedy."...

From ACM Opinion

The ­niversity of Wherever

For more than a decade educators have been expecting the Internet to transform that bastion of tradition and authority, the university. Digital utopians have...

­se It Better: The Worst Trends in Tech
From ACM Opinion

­se It Better: The Worst Trends in Tech

Consumer technology doesn't always get better, faster and cheaper. Here are four bad moves that prove the future isn't always bright.

From ACM Opinion

Will Robots Steal Your Job?

If you're taking a break from work to read this article, I've got one question for you: Are you crazy? I know you think no one will notice, and I know that everyone...

From ACM Opinion

Big Progress on the Little Things

In the trenches of consumer technology, there’s plenty to complain about. Today's cell-phone contracts are exorbitant and illogical (why has the price of a text...

From ACM Opinion

A Google Monopoly Isn't the Point

Even if the Justice Dept. were to establish that Google is a monopoly, it would be hard for anyone to prove that the company's free services have injured consumers...
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