The chief of streaming-TV start-up Aereo has said his mission to bring unbundled broadcast TV to the Internet has greater stakes than just the fate of his company—and...CNET From ACM Opinion | June 26, 2014
An Irish judge has rendered a preliminary judgment that may have sweeping consequences for U.S. e-commerce firms.The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | June 25, 2014
Even Sunday night HBO watchers are worried the Federal Communications Commission will soon put an end to net neutrality.Wired From ACM Opinion | June 23, 2014
These days I write more than I code, but one of the things I miss about programming is the coder's high: those times when, for hours on end, I would lock my vision...Slate From ACM Opinion | June 20, 2014
China has vastly expanded higher education over the past three decades—in 1982, less than 1 percent of China’s twenty-somethings had attended college; by 2010,...Bloomberg Businessweek From ACM Opinion | June 18, 2014
China's ambivalence about American technology has long been clear, but recently the nation kicked off a fresh, trash-talking effort targeting Windows 8, suggesting...LinuxInsider From ACM Opinion | June 16, 2014
Whether or not you caught wind of the excited announcement that "Eugene Goostman," a computer program ("chatbot") devised by Vladimir Veselov, Eugene Demchenko,...NPR From ACM Opinion | June 16, 2014
Why is Tesla opening up its patents to competitors? Because rival electric car makers are not the enemy — petrol stations are.New Scientist From ACM Opinion | June 16, 2014
I've been preoccupied lately with thoughts of marauding broomsticks, genies in bottles, and monkey's paws.The Atlantic From ACM Opinion | June 16, 2014
I was sitting in the bathtub in 2008 when I thought of a simple way Johannes Vermeer (Girl with a Pearl Earring) might have painted his photorealistic pictures...BoingBoing From ACM Opinion | June 12, 2014
A few months ago I went to Cambridge, Mass. to check in with the Event Horizon Telescope crew and found Shep Doeleman, the project leader, fresh off the completion...Scientific American From ACM Opinion | June 11, 2014
Enough with complaining that young people these days are addicted to their phones. The question you should be asking is: What do they know that you don't?The Wall Street Journal From ACM Opinion | June 11, 2014