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Practical Application of Theoretical Estimation
From Communications of the ACM

Practical Application of Theoretical Estimation

One of the most popular and successful approaches to estimating software projects is the Putnam model. Developed in the 1970s by...

Who Are We - Now?
From Communications of the ACM

Who Are We - Now?

Considerable progress has been made toward the formation of a computing profession since we started tracking it in this column a decade ago.

Identity Management and Privacy
From Communications of the ACM

Identity Management and Privacy: A Rare Opportunity To Get It Right

The National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace represents a shift in the way the U.S. government is approaching identity management, privacy, and the...

From ACM Opinion

Why Library Privacy Matters

Without library privacy, individuals might not engage in free and open inquiry for fear that their interactions with the library will be used against them.

How Computers Got US Into Space
From ACM News

How Computers Got US Into Space

When you look back at the past 50 years of human spaceflight, don't forget the computer scientists who helped make it possible.

From ACM Opinion

Let in the Super-Immigrants!

The best way to improve the U.S. economy fast is to poach entrepreneurs from the rest of the world. So why do we make it so difficult for them to immigrate?

There's No Data Sheriff on the Wild Web
From ACM Opinion

There's No Data Sheriff on the Wild Web

A company suffers a catastrophic attack on its servers. Gone are names, email addresses, home phone numbers, passwords, credit card numbers. Everything ends up...

From ACM Opinion

Five Gadgets that Will Be Dead in Five Years

If there's one thing that's predictable in the technology world, it's that things change. Products that were commonplace 10 years ago (PDAs, CRT televisions,...

Sputnik Helped Launch Career of Professor
From ACM Opinion

Sputnik Helped Launch Career of Professor

The Soviet Union's 1957 launch of Sputnik, the first man-made satellite to orbit Earth, had a profound impact on American higher education, and drove Andrew Romberger...

From ACM Opinion

The Names

As long as it took to find and kill Osama bin Laden after the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, it has taken even longer to commemorate the thousands...

Can Tech Experts Save the ­.s. Postal Service?
From ACM Opinion

Can Tech Experts Save the ­.s. Postal Service?

Some of the folks responsible for developing and promoting the technologies that have undermined the U.S. Postal Service are banding together in an attempt to save...

In the Tech Industry, Power Management is a Key to Going Green
From ACM Opinion

In the Tech Industry, Power Management is a Key to Going Green

Reuse, recycle, repurpose, renewables. This past Earth Day, we heard a lot about these concepts. As important as they are, I've noticed one phrase missing from...

Your Data Isn't Secure, Don't Trust Companies to Keep It Safe
From ACM Opinion

Your Data Isn't Secure, Don't Trust Companies to Keep It Safe

It's time for a major change in the way our personal, private data is handled. We need to take back our data from companies that are unwilling and unable to protect...

From ACM Opinion

Conspiracies Say Bin Laden Lives

The decision to drop terror chieftain Osama bin Laden’s corpse into the Arabian Sea was the final meticulous step in a raid whose details were calculated to exert...

The Persistence of Conspiracy Theories
From ACM Opinion

The Persistence of Conspiracy Theories

No sooner had President Obama released his long-form birth certificate than Orly Taitz, the doyenne of the "birther" movement, found reason to doubt it.

From ACM Opinion

Iran's Answer to Stuxnet

Might a "halal Internet" be in the wings?

Your Iphone Is Tracking You. So What.
From ACM Opinion

Your Iphone Is Tracking You. So What.

Have you heard the news? Two researchers have discovered that the iPhone keeps a minute-by-minute, time-stamped log of everywhere you go. That’s right: Your phone...

The Importance of Reviewing the Code
From Communications of the ACM

The Importance of Reviewing the Code

Highlighting the significance of the often overlooked underlying software used to produce research results.

Bell Labs and Centralized Innovation
From Communications of the ACM

Bell Labs and Centralized Innovation

In early 1935, a man named Clarence Hickman had a secret machine, about six feet tall, standing in his office. Hickman was...

Reaching Learners Beyond Our Hallowed Halls
From Communications of the ACM

Reaching Learners Beyond Our Hallowed Halls

Rethinking the design of computer science courses and broadening the definition of computing education both on and off campus.
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