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The World Cracks Down on the Internet
From ACM Opinion

The World Cracks Down on the Internet

In September of last year, Chinese authorities announced an unorthodox standard to help them decide whether to punish people for posting online comments that are...

The Internet That Facebook Built
From Communications of the ACM

The Internet That Facebook Built

The on-ramp might appear free but exiting takes a toll.

The Whole Professional
From Communications of the ACM

The Whole Professional

A new book inspires a reflection on what it means to be a whole, competent, and effective professional — and may portend a wave of disruption in education.

Innovation and Inclusion
From Communications of the ACM

Innovation and Inclusion

What technology companies, especially startups, need to know about building great places to work — for her and him — in the digital age.

Making the Case For a 'Manufacturing Execution System' For Software Development
From Communications of the ACM

Making the Case For a 'Manufacturing Execution System' For Software Development

Seeking to improve information integration throughout the manufacturing process.

How the Smartphone Killed Typing—but Started an AI Revolution
From ACM Opinion

How the Smartphone Killed Typing—but Started an AI Revolution

Steve Jobs often swam against the tide of prevailing opinion.

The Simple Question Nobody's Asking About Net Neutrality
From ACM Opinion

The Simple Question Nobody's Asking About Net Neutrality

President Obama rattled the internet this week when he unloaded his opinion on net neutrality, the notion that all internet traffic should be treated equally.

A Sad Fact of Life: It's Actually Smart to Be Mean Online
From ACM Opinion

A Sad Fact of Life: It's Actually Smart to Be Mean Online

I'm generally upbeat on Twitter. Many of my posts are enthusiastic blurts about science or research in which I use way too many exclamation points!!

Will Moocs Be Flukes?
From ACM Opinion

Will Moocs Be Flukes?

On July 23rd, 1969, Geoffrey Crowther addressed the inaugural meeting of the Open University, a British institution that had just been created to provide an alternative...

North Korea: Surfing the Net in the World's Most Isolated Nation
From ACM Opinion

North Korea: Surfing the Net in the World's Most Isolated Nation

What's the point of a computer in a hermit country sealed off from the internet?

Invasion of the Data Snatchers
From ACM Opinion

Invasion of the Data Snatchers

New technologies are making it easier for private companies and the government to learn about everything we do—in our homes, in our cars, in stores, and within...

The Web Is a Terrorist's Command-and-Control Network of Choice
From ACM Opinion

The Web Is a Terrorist's Command-and-Control Network of Choice

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) is the first terrorist group whose members have grown up on the internet.

Designing User Incentives For Cybersecurity
From Communications of the ACM

Designing User Incentives For Cybersecurity

How to encourage better user security practices and behavior

An Embarrassment of Riches
From Communications of the ACM

An Embarrassment of Riches

A critical review of open innovation systems.

Summing Up
From Communications of the ACM

Summing Up

Considering recent privacy- and security-related events through this column.

A Future For Computing Education Research
From Communications of the ACM

A Future For Computing Education Research

Seeking to address the most important issues facing the computer education research community.

Big Data's End Run Around Procedural Privacy Protections
From Communications of the ACM

Big Data's End Run Around Procedural Privacy Protections

Recognizing the inherent limitations of consent and anonymity.

Updates on the Intellectual Property Front
From Communications of the ACM

Updates on the Intellectual Property Front

Recapping influential U.S. Supreme Court decisions rendered earlier this year.

The Dark Side of the Sharing Economy . . . and How to Lighten It
From Communications of the ACM

The Dark Side of the Sharing Economy . . . and How to Lighten It

Improving the sharing economy will require addressing myriad problems.

When Iphones Ring, the Economy Listens
From ACM Opinion

When Iphones Ring, the Economy Listens

Gloomy economic news and the wild swings of the stock market may be getting you down. But at least you can count on this: We’ve entered the sweet spot of the ...
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