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Don't Stick It In: The Dangers of ­sb Drives
From ACM Opinion

Don't Stick It In: The Dangers of ­sb Drives

Talking to a computer security researcher about Stuxnet is like asking an art critic to describe the finer points of the Mona Lisa. The world's top cybersecurity...

What Steve Jobs Learned in the Wilderness
From ACM Opinion

What Steve Jobs Learned in the Wilderness

The saga of Steven P. Jobs is so well known that it has entered the nation’s mythology: he’s the prodigal who returned to Apple in 1997, righted a listing ship...

Why Graphene Is the Stuff of the Future
From ACM Opinion

Why Graphene Is the Stuff of the Future

Everything in our three-dimensional world has a width, length and height. That was what we thought, at least. But this picture overlooks a whole class of materials...

From ACM Opinion

If We Aren't Ready For Cyberwar, We Will Lose the Next War

In an increasingly digital world, ironically, there may yet be a silver lining to the primitive nature of India's infrastructure: that it is not computer-controlled...

Sorkin vs. Zuckerberg
From ACM Opinion

Sorkin vs. Zuckerberg

"The Social Network" is wonderful entertainment, but its message is actually kind of evil.

Score: Agile Research Group Management
From Communications of the ACM

Score: Agile Research Group Management

Adapting agile software development methodology toward more efficient management of academic research groups.

Version Aversion
From Communications of the ACM

Version Aversion

The way you number your releases communicates more than you might think.

Risks of Undisciplined Development
From Communications of the ACM

Risks of Undisciplined Development

An illustration of the problems caused by a lack of discipline in software development and our failure to apply what is known in the field.

Platforms and Services: Understanding the Resurgence of Apple
From Communications of the ACM

Platforms and Services: Understanding the Resurgence of Apple

Combining new consumer devices and Internet platforms with online services and content is proving to be a successful strategy.

Victorian Data Processing
From Communications of the ACM

Victorian Data Processing

The Victorian world was awash with data and with organizations that processed it; and they usually used nothing...

From ACM Opinion

Administration Internet-Wiretap Proposals Forget History

Any headline that uses the phrase "wiretap the Internet" is likely to make people on the Internet cranky. When this wiretapping scheme comes from an administration...

5 Reasons the Media Cover Apple So Much
From ACM Opinion

5 Reasons the Media Cover Apple So Much

A study published Monday drew on a host of metrics to conclude something we all already knew: The media covers Apple more than any other company.

Friends Without Benefits
From ACM Opinion

Friends Without Benefits

The Valley used to be a place run by scientists and engineers, people like Robert Noyce, the Ph.D. physicist who helped invent the integrated circuit and cofounded...

A Q&A With a PARC Pioneer Reflecting on 'the Office of the Future' 40 Years Later
From ACM Opinion

A Q&A With a PARC Pioneer Reflecting on 'the Office of the Future' 40 Years Later

Palo Alto Research Center research fellow David Biegelsen, who has been at Xerox's legendary R&D lab from the beginning, reflected on being at the forefront of...

"india Has a Big Role to Play in It's Future"
From ACM Opinion

"india Has a Big Role to Play in It's Future"

Natarajan Chandrasekaran, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of India’s largest IT outsourcer Tata Consultancy Services, recently discussed technology...

From ACM Opinion

The Anthropology of Hackers

A "hacker" is a technologist with a love for computing and a "hack" is a clever technical solution arrived through a non-obvious means. It doesn't mean to compromise...

Java Creator James Gosling: Why I Quit Oracle
From ACM Opinion

Java Creator James Gosling: Why I Quit Oracle

When James Gosling led the team that created the Java language and platform, Sun Microsystems was riding high and Java stood as a landscape-changing revolutionary...

From ACM Opinion

Finally, a 21st Century Browser from Microsoft

Like many of us, Microsoft does its best work when it's running scared.

The School of Hard Drives
From ACM Opinion

The School of Hard Drives

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan answers questions pertaining to education and technology.

School For Hackers
From ACM Opinion

School For Hackers

The do-it-yourself movement revives learning by doing.
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