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AI Futures
From Communications of the ACM

AI Futures: Fact and Fantasy

Three books offer varied perspectives on the ascendancy of artificial intelligence.

Competitive Compatibility
From Communications of the ACM

Competitive Compatibility: Let's Fix the Internet, Not the Tech Giants

Seeking to make Big Tech less central to the Internet.

Where Should Information Go to Be Safe?
From ACM Opinion

Where Should Information Go to Be Safe?

Enterprise data is safest in the cloud and in the 'fog', according to one expert

Can We Handle the Truth about Cybersecurity?
From ACM Opinion

Can We Handle the Truth about Cybersecurity?

Standardizing disclosure rules while ensuring transparency can strengthen our total cybersecurity landscape

No Perfect Solution in Apple's Privacy vs. Child Safety Debate
From ACM Opinion

No Perfect Solution in Apple's Privacy vs. Child Safety Debate

How do opponents to Apple's child safety features calculate risk, and more importantly, what alternatives do they propose?

A Thumbs Down for Streaming Privacy
From ACM Opinion

A Thumbs Down for Streaming Privacy

The streaming apps and devices we pay for aren't necessarily careful with our personal information.

Testing Educational Digital Games
From Communications of the ACM

Testing Educational Digital Games

Diversifying usability studies utilizing rapid application development.

Infrastructure Bill's Cryptocurrency Surveillance Provision Is Privacy Disaster
From ACM Opinion

Infrastructure Bill's Cryptocurrency Surveillance Provision Is Privacy Disaster

Mandate to collect customer data would force companies related to cryptocurrency to surveil users

Taxing Digital Advertising Could Help Break Up Big Tech
From ACM Opinion

Taxing Digital Advertising Could Help Break Up Big Tech

A novel approach to rein in the largest technology companies, encourage competition and innovation, and help democracy

The Privacy Battle that Apple Isn't Fighting
From ACM Opinion

The Privacy Battle that Apple Isn't Fighting

California has begun enforcing a browser-level privacy setting, but you still can't find that option in Safari or iOS

Biden's 'Antitrust Revolution' Overlooks AI—at Americans' Peril
From ACM Opinion

Biden's 'Antitrust Revolution' Overlooks AI—at Americans' Peril

A handful of companies have outsize influence on the world's AI. Policymakers must act now to stem the rise of powerful monopolies.

Governing AI Safety through Independent Audits
From ACM Opinion

Governing AI Safety through Independent Audits

Governance of highly automated systems is critical to garner widespread public trust

What Does Saying That 'Programming Is Hard' Really Say, and About Whom?
From Communications of the ACM

What Does Saying That 'Programming Is Hard' Really Say, and About Whom?

Shifting the focus from the perceived difficulty of learning programming to making programming more universally accessible.

The Domestic Computer Science Graduate Students Are There, We Just Need to Recruit Them
From Communications of the ACM

The Domestic Computer Science Graduate Students Are There, We Just Need to Recruit Them

Proven practices to recruit domestic computer science graduate students.

Wait, There's Supposed to Be a Gadget Repair Market?
From ACM Opinion

Wait, There's Supposed to Be a Gadget Repair Market?

A new FTC policy is a warning to companies that glue together smartphones so they can't be opened, charge exorbitant fees for replacement parts, or limit who can...

With Internet Shutdowns, India Is Violating a 'Duty to Memory'
From ACM Opinion

With Internet Shutdowns, India Is Violating a 'Duty to Memory'

The shutdowns, aimed at quelling unrest, undercut the nation's moral and ethical obligation to record history as it is.

The Assault on Our Privacy Is Being Conducted in Private
From ACM Opinion

The Assault on Our Privacy Is Being Conducted in Private

The rise of social media, Google, and online shopping and banking has made us far more exposed than back in the Internet’s infancy.

Why Computing Students Should Contribute to Open Source Software Projects
From Communications of the ACM

Why Computing Students Should Contribute to Open Source Software Projects

Acquiring developer-prized practical skills, knowledge, and experiences.

The 2021 Software Developer Shortage Is Coming
From Communications of the ACM

The 2021 Software Developer Shortage Is Coming

Companies must address the difficulty of hiring and retaining high-skilled employees from an increasingly smaller labor supply.

Wanted: Rules for Pandemic Data Access That Everyone Can Trust
From ACM Opinion

Wanted: Rules for Pandemic Data Access That Everyone Can Trust

In the wake of COVID-19, a pandemic treaty could be a way to agree on data access before the next emergency strikes.
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