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Why Google Bought Nest: A Theory
From ACM Opinion

Why Google Bought Nest: A Theory

Google is acquiring Nest, makers of a smart thermostat, for a reported $3.2 billion.

Why We Don't Trust Technology Companies
From ACM Opinion

Why We Don't Trust Technology Companies

Last October, T-Mobile made an astonishing announcement: from now on, when you travel internationally with a T-Mobile phone, you get free unlimited text messages...

10 Bold Predictions For 2014
From ACM Opinion

10 Bold Predictions For 2014

At the beginning of each year, it's possible to make predictions about the future of the tech sector simply by extrapolating from data in the latest Mary Meeker...

When Doctors 'google' Their Patients
From ACM Opinion

When Doctors 'google' Their Patients

I remember when I first looked up a patient on Google.

The Internet of Things Is Wildly Insecure—and Often ­npatchable
From ACM Opinion

The Internet of Things Is Wildly Insecure—and Often ­npatchable

We're at a crisis point now with regard to the security of embedded systems, where computing is embedded into the hardware itself—as with the Internet of Things...

Why Snowden Won't (and Shouldn't) Get Clemency
From ACM Opinion

Why Snowden Won't (and Shouldn't) Get Clemency

I regard Daniel Ellsberg as an American patriot.

Edward Snowden, Whistle-Blower
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Edward Snowden, Whistle-Blower

Seven months ago, the world began to learn the vast scope of the National Security Agency's reach into the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the United...

The Nsa's Metadata Program Is Perfectly Constitutional
From ACM Opinion

The Nsa's Metadata Program Is Perfectly Constitutional

Last month two judges issued two different opinions about the NSA's controversial bulk metadata collection program.

The Top Four Tech Legal Cases to Watch in 2014
From ACM Opinion

The Top Four Tech Legal Cases to Watch in 2014

While we're all wiping the champagne-induced sleep from our eyes, inevitably we have to sober up for 2014.

Dogecoins and Litecoins and Peercoins Oh My: What You Need to Know About Bitcoin Alternatives
From ACM News

Dogecoins and Litecoins and Peercoins Oh My: What You Need to Know About Bitcoin Alternatives

By now, most people have heard of Bitcoin, the peer-to-peer currency whose value has soared over the past couple of years.

I Had My Dna Picture Taken, With Varying Results
From ACM Opinion

I Had My Dna Picture Taken, With Varying Results

I like to plan ahead; that much I knew about myself before I plunged into exploring my genetic code.

Correcting the Record on the Nsa Review
From ACM Opinion

Correcting the Record on the Nsa Review

One of the dangers of a 304 -page report on a complex subject is that everyone gets to choose what he or she thinks is the bottom line.

The One Big Question About Rsa and Its Relationship With the Nsa
From ACM News

The One Big Question About Rsa and Its Relationship With the Nsa

Last week, the Internet security world was jolted by a Reuters report detailing a secret $10 million payment to the security company RSA from the National Security...

The Dollar Will Never Fall to Bitcoin
From ACM Opinion

The Dollar Will Never Fall to Bitcoin

Last month, several people appeared before a U.S. Senate committee to defend bitcoin, among them Patrick Murck, general counsel of the Bitcoin Foundation...

From ACM Opinion

Bits and Barbarism

This is a tale of three money pits.

Stanford Researchers: It Is Trivially Easy to Match Metadata to Real People
From ACM Opinion

Stanford Researchers: It Is Trivially Easy to Match Metadata to Real People

In defending the NSA's telephony metadata collection efforts, government officials have repeatedly resorted to one seemingly significant detail: This is just metadata—numbers...

Do We Want an Erasable Internet?
From ACM Opinion

Do We Want an Erasable Internet?

This is going to sound silly, but I think Snapchat was the most important technology of 2013.

Whither Net Neutrality?
From ACM Opinion

Whither Net Neutrality?

As the new Federal Communications Commission chairman, Tom Wheeler, has kicked up some dust in the tech community by laying the groundwork for a grand vision for...

The Predictive Power of Big Data
From ACM Opinion

The Predictive Power of Big Data

Right now, the average person's data footprint—the annual amount of data produced worldwide, per capita—is just a little short of one terabyte.

Nsa Debate Shifts in Favor of Surveillance Limits
From ACM Opinion

Nsa Debate Shifts in Favor of Surveillance Limits

In a sharp and unexpected shift, the national debate over U.S. government surveillance seems to be turning in favor of reining in the National Security Agency's...
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