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From ACM Opinion

Apple: Disrupt or Perish

While the secret for Apple's success seems patently obvious to most&meash;as obvious as the form and function of the iPhone 4—a more subtle reason is the company's...

From ACM Opinion

2011 Preview: Million-Dollar Mathematics Problem

A draft solution to the so-called "P versus NP" problem generated excitement in 2010; will 2011 bring a correct proof?

Reflections on the Toyota Debacle
From Communications of the ACM

Reflections on the Toyota Debacle

A look in the rearview mirror reveals system and process blind spots.

Don't Bring Me a Good Idea
From Communications of the ACM

Don't Bring Me a Good Idea

You want to know how to get my attention?" Jason Kalich asked the audience rhetorically. "First off, don't bring me a good...

From ACM Opinion

Stuxnet's Finnish-Chinese Connection

I recently wrote a white paper entitled “Dragons, Tigers, Pearls, and Yellowcake” in which I proposed four alternative scenarios for the Stuxnet worm other than...

­biquity Symposium: 'what Is Computation?'
From ACM Opinion

­biquity Symposium: 'what Is Computation?'

A new series on ACM's Ubiquity seeks to answer the question: 'What is computation?' In this opening article, Ubiquity's editor-in-chief Peter J. Denning and co-author...

From ACM Opinion

"this Paper Should Not Have Been Published"

Scientists see fatal flaws in the NASA study of arsenic-based life.

From ACM Opinion

Long Live the Web: A Call For Continued Open Standards and Neutrality

The Web is critical not merely to the digital revolution but to our continued prosperity—and even our liberty. Like democracy itself, it needs defending.

Literate Coding
From Communications of the ACM

Literate Coding

While it is true that "programmers aren't English majors," there are many days that I wish they were, or that...

Why China's New Supercomputer Isn't Actually the World's Fastest
From ACM Opinion

Why China's New Supercomputer Isn't Actually the World's Fastest

Peak performance doesn't equal sustained performance, and the NVIDIA GPUs in the Tianhe 1A are especially bad at the latter.

On the Threshold of the Avatar Era
From ACM Opinion

On the Threshold of the Avatar Era

In a garage in Palo Alto, Calif., in the 1980s, some friends and I were the first humans to experience becoming avatars—that is, movable representations of ourselves...

Why Do Software Startups Patent (or Not)?
From Communications of the ACM

Why Do Software Startups Patent (or Not)?

Assessing the controversial results of a recent empirical study of the role of intellectual property in software startups.

Why Graphene Is the Stuff of the Future
From ACM Opinion

Why Graphene Is the Stuff of the Future

Everything in our three-dimensional world has a width, length and height. That was what we thought, at least. But this picture overlooks a whole class of materials...

Score: Agile Research Group Management
From Communications of the ACM

Score: Agile Research Group Management

Adapting agile software development methodology toward more efficient management of academic research groups.

Version Aversion
From Communications of the ACM

Version Aversion

The way you number your releases communicates more than you might think.

Risks of Undisciplined Development
From Communications of the ACM

Risks of Undisciplined Development

An illustration of the problems caused by a lack of discipline in software development and our failure to apply what is known in the field.

From ACM Opinion

Crisis in Computing

It may not be obvious, but if you’ve checked the weather today, ridden in a car or an airplane, made a phone call, or used any number of consumer products, down...

Why God Did Not Create the ­niverse
From ACM Opinion

Why God Did Not Create the ­niverse

There is a sound scientific explanation for the making of our world—no gods required.

Objects Never? Well, Hardly Ever!
From Communications of the ACM

Objects Never? Well, Hardly Ever!

Revisiting the Great Objects Debate.

Principles of the Law of Software Contracts
From Communications of the ACM

Principles of the Law of Software Contracts

An overview of a new set of legal principles for software contracts developed by the American Law Institute.
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