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Communications of the ACM

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Dealing with the Venture Capital Crisis
From Communications of the ACM

Dealing with the Venture Capital Crisis

The venture capital industry, like financial services in general, has fallen on hard times. Part of the problem is that large payoffs...

Computing in the Depression Era
From Communications of the ACM

Computing in the Depression Era

Since its beginning, the computer industry has been through several major recessions, each occurring  approximately five years...

Contagious Craziness, Spreading Sanity
From Communications of the ACM

Contagious Craziness, Spreading Sanity

Some examples of the upward or downward spiral of behaviors in the workplace.

Computing: The Fourth Great Domain of Science
From Communications of the ACM

Computing: The Fourth Great Domain of Science

Computing is as fundamental as the physical, life, and social sciences.

Robotics Engineer Aims to Give Robots a Humane Touch
From ACM TechNews

Robotics Engineer Aims to Give Robots a Humane Touch

Georgia Institute of Technology robotics engineer Ronald Arkin has dedicated his life's work to the development of ethical battlefield robots embedded with a sense...

The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of Software as a Service
From Communications of the ACM

The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of Software as a Service

The commercial opportunities of software as a service are widely hyped these days and many think SaaS is the future of software. That might be true in the medium...

The Network Neutrality Debate Hits Europe
From Communications of the ACM

The Network Neutrality Debate Hits Europe

Differences in telecommunications regulation between the U.S. and the European Union are a key factor in viewing the debate over network neutrality legislation...

Point/Counterpoint: Network Neutrality Nuances
From Communications of the ACM

Point/Counterpoint: Network Neutrality Nuances

A discussion of divergent paths to unrestricted access of content and applications via the Internet.

International Communications Tapped For Intelligence-Gathering
From Communications of the ACM

International Communications Tapped For Intelligence-Gathering

Governments concerned with national-security threats use the Internet to gather intelligence from communications traffic that transits local facilities. This surveillance...

Economic and Business Dimensions: The Extent of Globalization of Software Innovation
From Communications of the ACM

Economic and Business Dimensions: The Extent of Globalization of Software Innovation

Will the software development laboratories follow the production mills?

Technology Strategy and Management: The Legacy of Bill Gates
From Communications of the ACM

Technology Strategy and Management: The Legacy of Bill Gates

Assessing the pluses and minuses of the helmsmanship of Microsoft Corporation since its inception.

The Business of Software: The Ontology of Paper
From Communications of the ACM

The Business of Software: The Ontology of Paper

The next generation of software engineering will involve designing systems without using paper-based formats, instead using software to develop software.

Ground Control to Architect Tom . . .
From Communications of the ACM

Ground Control to Architect Tom . . .

Architecture astronauts habitually speak at extremely high levels of abstraction to avoid engaging in tangible discussions that might lead to disclosing that they...

Law and Technology: The End of the Generative Internet
From Communications of the ACM

Law and Technology: The End of the Generative Internet

Exploring the expectations and implications for version 2.0 of the Net's new gated communities.

Kode Vicious: Permanence and Change
From Communications of the ACM

Kode Vicious: Permanence and Change

Highlighting the importance of doing one's best in view of code longevity and the impermanence of the changineer.

CTO Virtualization Roundtable
From Communications of the ACM

CTO Virtualization Roundtable: Part II

When it comes to virtualization platforms, experts say focus first on the services to be delivered.

Time to Take Evolutionary Development Off the Shelf
From Communications of the ACM

Time to Take Evolutionary Development Off the Shelf

Large systems projects are failing at an alarming rate. It's time to take evolutionary design methods off the shelf.

On the 10th Anniversary of ACM's Digital Library
From Communications of the ACM

On the 10th Anniversary of ACM's Digital Library

 When ACM launched its pioneering Digital Library a decade ago, it was one of the first professional societies to offer its members—and the broader computing community—a...

CTO Roundtable on Virtualization
From Communications of the ACM

CTO Roundtable on Virtualization: Part I

Virtualization technology is hot again, but for the right reasons?

Historical Reflections: Will the Future of Software Be Open Source?
From Communications of the ACM

Historical Reflections: Will the Future of Software Be Open Source?

Tracing the course of influential computing developments and considering possible paths to new paradigms.
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