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Decentralization Versus Centralization in IT Governance
From Communications of the ACM

Decentralization Versus Centralization in IT Governance

It's not as simple as you might think.

Oracle v. Google
From Communications of the ACM

Oracle v. Google: Are APIs Copyrightable?

Assessing the first phase of the trial based on claims that Google's Android platform infringes Oracle's Java-related copyrights and patents.

The Research Value of Publishing Attacks
From Communications of the ACM

The Research Value of Publishing Attacks

Security research can be improved by more effectively sharing what is learned from attacks on information systems.

Capitol Hill Rhetoric Takes Aim at Wrong Cybersecurity Targets
From ACM Opinion

Capitol Hill Rhetoric Takes Aim at Wrong Cybersecurity Targets

Defense secretary Leon Panetta couldn't resist, could he? He couldn't fight the urge to dig deep into the information security cliché handbook and yank out that...

Science in an Election Year
From ACM Opinion

Science in an Election Year

More than a dozen science and engineering organizations worked with to draft 14 top science questions to ask the two main presidential candidates...

Meet a Science Committee that Doesn't Get Science
From ACM Opinion

Meet a Science Committee that Doesn't Get Science

In general, we only become aware of a politician's position on scientific issues during the campaign season. And, with a few exceptions like energy and climate...

And the Firewalls Came Tumbling Down
From ACM Opinion

And the Firewalls Came Tumbling Down

There's much to like about "This Machine Kills Secrets," Andy Greenberg's well-reported history of WikiLeaks and the many projects it has inspired, but one unintentionally...

Will Neuroscience Radically Transform the Legal System?
From ACM Opinion

Will Neuroscience Radically Transform the Legal System?

Although academic fields will often enjoy more than Andy Warhol's famous 15 minutes of fame, they too are subject to today's ever-hungry machinery of hype. Like...

Technology Helps Track a Terrorist in 'the Finish'
From ACM Opinion

Technology Helps Track a Terrorist in 'the Finish'

In late summer 2010, at the end of a morning briefing, one of President Obama's security advisers said, "Mr. President, Leon and the guys at Langley think they...

Patent Could Shackle 3D Printers with Drm
From ACM Opinion

Patent Could Shackle 3D Printers with Drm

One of the greatest benefits of 3D printing technology—the ability to make replacements or parts for household objects like toys, utensils and gadgets—may be denied...

How I Accidentally Helped Compromise the Secret Keys of High-Security Handcuffs
From ACM Opinion

How I Accidentally Helped Compromise the Secret Keys of High-Security Handcuffs

In the age of freely available modeling software, laser cutters and 3D printers, shapes that must stay secret for security's sake don't stay secret for long. Especially...

Where's the Discussion of Trojan Horses?
From ACM Opinion

Where's the Discussion of Trojan Horses?

The Mykonos Vase, discovered in 1961 in the Cyclades, is one of the earliest accounts of the Trojan Horse, used as a subterfuge by the Greeks to enter the city...

The Limits of Big Data
From ACM Opinion

The Limits of Big Data

Stop me if you've heard this one: Three statisticians go rabbit hunting.

The Chinese Steve Jobs Is Probably a Pirate
From ACM Opinion

The Chinese Steve Jobs Is Probably a Pirate

When discussing innovation, the Chinese like to tout the country’s "Four Great Inventions"—paper, gunpowder, the compass, and woodblock printing—and their enormous...

A Better Approach to Huawei, Zte, and Chinese Cyberspying? Distrust and Verify
From ACM Opinion

A Better Approach to Huawei, Zte, and Chinese Cyberspying? Distrust and Verify

In the wake of the 60-page report from Congress’s Select Committee On Intelligence recommending U.S. companies stop buying Chinese-made telecommunications gear...

Hp: Why Bill And Dave Would Back A Break-­p Plan
From ACM Opinion

Hp: Why Bill And Dave Would Back A Break-­p Plan

The time has come to break up Hewlett-Packard into parts. That’s the view of UBS analyst Steve Milunovich, who goes so far as to assert that founders Bill Hewlett...

Facebook's 1 Billion ­sers and What They Say About the Future of Computing
From ACM Opinion

Facebook's 1 Billion ­sers and What They Say About the Future of Computing

After several months as the Internet's punching bag, Facebook finally has something to brag about: 1 billion active users.

From ACM Opinion

Ietf Approves Hsts as Proposed Standard

One of the things that makes attackers dance around their basement lairs is finding unencrypted Web sessions.

The Extremely Personal Computer: The Digital Future of Mental Health
From ACM Opinion

The Extremely Personal Computer: The Digital Future of Mental Health

It's 2018, and you're not feeling your best.

The Supreme Court Needs To Weigh In on Warrantless Cell Phone Tracking By Law Enforcement
From ACM Opinion

The Supreme Court Needs To Weigh In on Warrantless Cell Phone Tracking By Law Enforcement

Americans should have no reasonable expectation of privacy over the location data stored by their mobile phone.
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