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Governing AI Safety through Independent Audits
From ACM Opinion

Governing AI Safety through Independent Audits

Governance of highly automated systems is critical to garner widespread public trust

How Higher Ed Can Win at Tech Offense and Defense
From ACM Opinion

How Higher Ed Can Win at Tech Offense and Defense

To live in a world that is enhanced rather than oppressed by technology, we need to change its culture from one of opportunism to one in the public interest

What Does Saying That 'Programming Is Hard' Really Say, and About Whom?
From Communications of the ACM

What Does Saying That 'Programming Is Hard' Really Say, and About Whom?

Shifting the focus from the perceived difficulty of learning programming to making programming more universally accessible.

The Domestic Computer Science Graduate Students Are There, We Just Need to Recruit Them
From Communications of the ACM

The Domestic Computer Science Graduate Students Are There, We Just Need to Recruit Them

Proven practices to recruit domestic computer science graduate students.

Artificial Intelligence and the Intelligence Community
From ACM Opinion

Artificial Intelligence and the Intelligence Community

The intelligence community's budget and acquisition processes rise to the top of the issues it must address before it can take full advantage of AI

Algorithmic Impact Assessments Should Leverage Diverse Expertise and Complex Histories
From ACM Opinion

Algorithmic Impact Assessments Should Leverage Diverse Expertise and Complex Histories

There is a pressing need to establish algorithmic impact assessment practices from the ground up.

Reimplementing Software Interfaces Is Fair Use
From Communications of the ACM

Reimplementing Software Interfaces Is Fair Use

A multifactored rationale for denying Oracle's claim against Google.

Why Computing Students Should Contribute to Open Source Software Projects
From Communications of the ACM

Why Computing Students Should Contribute to Open Source Software Projects

Acquiring developer-prized practical skills, knowledge, and experiences.

The 2021 Software Developer Shortage Is Coming
From Communications of the ACM

The 2021 Software Developer Shortage Is Coming

Companies must address the difficulty of hiring and retaining high-skilled employees from an increasingly smaller labor supply.

The Brutal Truth About Bitcoin
From ACM Opinion

The Brutal Truth About Bitcoin

Are cryptocurrencies the wave of the future and should you be using and investing in them?

Wanted: Rules for Pandemic Data Access That Everyone Can Trust
From ACM Opinion

Wanted: Rules for Pandemic Data Access That Everyone Can Trust

In the wake of COVID-19, a pandemic treaty could be a way to agree on data access before the next emergency strikes.

Machine Learning Security Needs New Perspectives and Incentives
From ACM Opinion

Machine Learning Security Needs New Perspectives and Incentives

Researchers and developers racing to make deep learning available to different applications need to actively seek out and address security challenges before they...

Should Alexa Read Our Moods?
From ACM Opinion

Should Alexa Read Our Moods?

Companies should be barred from analyzing what people say and how they sound to recommend products or personalize advertising messages.

A Vision to Compute like Nature
From Communications of the ACM

A Vision to Compute like Nature: Thermodynamically

Advocating a new, physically grounded, computational paradigm centered on thermodynamics and an emerging understanding of using thermodynamics to solve problems...

Stop the Emerging AI Cold War
From ACM Opinion

Stop the Emerging AI Cold War

Proliferating military artificial intelligence will leave the world less safe—so we must focus on ethics and global cooperation, argues Denise Garcia, vice-chair...

Software Professionals, Malpractice Law, and Codes of Ethics
From Communications of the ACM

Software Professionals, Malpractice Law, and Codes of Ethics

In pursuit of professional status for computing professionals.

CS Unplugged or Coding Classes?
From Communications of the ACM

CS Unplugged or Coding Classes?

Perhaps a more appropriate question is 'Why not both'?

Understanding Law and the Rule of Law
From Communications of the ACM

Understanding Law and the Rule of Law: A Plea to Augment CS Curricula

Why law matters for computer scientists and other folk.

Why Cryptocurrency Is A Giant Fraud
From ACM Opinion

Why Cryptocurrency Is A Giant Fraud

Speculators might make money on cryptocurrency, but the arguments for its usefulness fail completely.

Why Bitcoin Is Bad for the Environment
From ACM Opinion

Why Bitcoin Is Bad for the Environment

Cryptocurrency mining uses huge amounts of power — and can be as destructive as the real thing.
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