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Tech in the Post-Pandemic World
From ACM Opinion

Tech in the Post-Pandemic World

Assessing its future, both the bad and the good.

Hackers Used to Be Humans. Soon, AIs Will Hack Humanity
From ACM Opinion

Hackers Used to Be Humans. Soon, AIs Will Hack Humanity

To date, hacking has exclusively been a human activity. Not for long.

Google Has A Plan To 'Fix' Online Privacy. Everybody Hates It
From ACM Opinion

Google Has A Plan To 'Fix' Online Privacy. Everybody Hates It

Google recently decided to adopt a new way to track users, and says it's more private than cookies and nearly as effective for advertising. The rest of the Internet...

Data Brokers Are a Threat to Democracy
From ACM Opinion

Data Brokers Are a Threat to Democracy

The unregulated practice of data brokerage is incredibly dangerous and harmful, and policymakers can ignore it no longer.

Why Was SolarWinds So Vulnerable to a Hack?
From ACM Opinion

Why Was SolarWinds So Vulnerable to a Hack?

The federal government should set minimum security standards for software and software development.

The Push for Stricter Rules for Internet Platforms
From Communications of the ACM

The Push for Stricter Rules for Internet Platforms

Considering the origins, interpretations, and possible changes to Communications Decency Act §230 amid an evolving online environment.

From Communications of the ACM

CAPE: A Framework for Assessing Equity throughout the Computer Science Education Ecosystem

Examining both the leading indicators of equity in CS and the lagging indicators of student outcomes.

Content Moderation Modulation
From Communications of the ACM

Content Moderation Modulation

Deliberating on how to regulate—or not regulate—online speech in the era of evolving social media.

Silicon Politics
From Communications of the ACM

Silicon Politics

Tracing the widening path between Silicon Valley and Washington, D.C.

Removing Kode
From Communications of the ACM

Removing Kode

Dead functions and dead features.

Why Is North Korea So Good at Cybercrime?
From ACM Opinion

Why Is North Korea So Good at Cybercrime?

North Korea has moved quickly to expand its cyber capabilities, and Kim Jong Un himself has reportedly equated the importance of developing cyber capabilities to...

Your Computer Isn't Yours
From ACM Opinion

Your Computer Isn't Yours

It's here. The world that Richard Stallman predicted in 1997. The one Cory Doctorow also warned us about. Did you notice?

Quantum Computing Pioneer Warns of Complacency over Internet Security
From ACM Opinion

Quantum Computing Pioneer Warns of Complacency over Internet Security

Nature talks to Peter Shor 25 years after he showed how to make quantum computations feasible — and how they could endanger our data.

It Is Time for More Critical CS Education
From Communications of the ACM

It Is Time for More Critical CS Education

By which 'critical' means an intellectual stance of skepticism, centering the consequences, limitations, and unjust impacts of computing in society.

Copyright's Online Service Providers Safe Harbors Under Siege
From Communications of the ACM

Copyright's Online Service Providers Safe Harbors Under Siege

Reviewing the most significant changes recommended in the recently released U.S. Copyright Office Section 512 Study.

How Ransomware Puts Your Hospital at Risk
From ACM Opinion

How Ransomware Puts Your Hospital at Risk

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the potential consequences of cyberattacks are terrifying.

Just What Cyber Security Executives Don’t Want to Hear: The Skills Shortage is Worsening
From ACM Opinion

Just What Cyber Security Executives Don’t Want to Hear: The Skills Shortage is Worsening

The cyber security skills gap continues to get worse, according to the latest research.

We Need to Automate the Declaration of <i>Conflicts of Interest</i>
From Communications of the ACM

We Need to Automate the Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

Leveraging existing data sources to improve the declaration and management of authorship conflicts of interest.

Using Computer Programs and Search Problems for Teaching Theory of Computation
From Communications of the ACM

Using Computer Programs and Search Problems for Teaching Theory of Computation

Recognizing the significance of a cornerstone of computer science.

Autonomous Vehicle Safety
From Communications of the ACM

Autonomous Vehicle Safety: Lessons from Aviation

How more than 25years of experience with aviation safety-critical systems can be applied to autonomous vehicle systems.
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