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From ACM Opinion

First Amendment Protection For Search Engine Search Results

Google commissioned me to write this White Paper ("First Amendment Protection for Search Engine Search Results"), so I thought I’d pass it along. I wrote the paper...

From ACM Opinion

Beware the Creeping Cracks of Bias

Alarming cracks are starting to penetrate deep into the scientific edifice. They threaten the status of science and its value to society. And they cannot be blamed...

From ACM News

The Giants Among ­S

The patent world is quietly undergoing a change of seismic proportions. In a few short years, a handful of entities have amassed vast treasuries of patents on an...

­.n. Efforts Put Internet Freedom at Risk
From ACM Opinion

­.n. Efforts Put Internet Freedom at Risk

A mounting effort to transform a United Nations agency into a global Internet regulator is threatening to undo decades of policymaking that helped the Internet...

How a Private Data Market Could Ruin Facebook
From ACM Opinion

How a Private Data Market Could Ruin Facebook

To justify its sky-high valuation, Facebook will have to increase its profit per user at rates that seem unlikely, even by the most generous predictions.

Why the Death of DRM Would Be Good News for Readers, Writers, and Publishers
From ACM Opinion

Why the Death of DRM Would Be Good News for Readers, Writers, and Publishers

At the end of April, Tor Books, the world's largest science fiction publisher, and its UK sister company, Tor UK, announced that they would be eliminating digital...

Is It Time To Stop Trusting Google?
From ACM Opinion

Is It Time To Stop Trusting Google?

Was Google's snooping on home Wi-Fi users the work of a rogue software engineer? Was it a deliberate corporate strategy? Was it simply an honest-to-goodness mistake...

Following the Breadcrumbs on the Data-Sharing Trail
From ACM Opinion

Following the Breadcrumbs on the Data-Sharing Trail

Would you like to donate to the Obama campaign? Sign up for a college course? Or maybe subscribe to Architectural Digest? 

God and Man in Tennessee
From ACM Opinion

God and Man in Tennessee

Earlier this month state senators in Tennessee approved an update to our sex-education law that would ban teachers from discussing hand-holding, which it categorizes...

Cispa, 'national Security,' and the Nsa's Ability to Read Your Emails
From ACM Opinion

Cispa, 'national Security,' and the Nsa's Ability to Read Your Emails

This week the House of Representatives is debating the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA, the dangerous "cybersecurity" bill that threatens...

Don't Be Evil, but Don't Miss the Train
From ACM Opinion

Don't Be Evil, but Don't Miss the Train

Back in 2004, as Google prepared to go public, Larry Page and Sergey Brin celebrated the maxim that was supposed to define their company: "Don’t be evil."

Nah, Iran Probably Didn't Hack Cia's Stealth Drone
From ACM Opinion

Nah, Iran Probably Didn't Hack Cia's Stealth Drone

Four months after capturing a crashed U.S. stealth drone near the Iran-Afghanistan border, Tehran claims it has hacked into the ‘bot’s classified mission-control...

How Much Do the Internet Giants Really Know?
From ACM Opinion

How Much Do the Internet Giants Really Know?

To briefly state the obvious, the Internet giants are seriously big: Google is not only the world's largest search engine, it's one of the top three email providers...

The Troll Toll
From ACM Opinion

The Troll Toll

When hospitals come upon a technology with a proven track record of saving lives, you'd expect a flood of investment to expand its use, and a race by manufacturers...

Rethinking the Social Network
From ACM Opinion

Rethinking the Social Network

At some point later this year, Facebook will connect one in every seven people on the planet. When it passes the billion user mark—and really it is a question of...

Crossing the Software Education Chasm
From Communications of the ACM

Crossing the Software Education Chasm

An Agile approach that exploits cloud computing.

Programming the Global Brain
From Communications of the ACM

Programming the Global Brain

Considering how we can improve our understanding and utilization of the emerging human-computer network constituting the global brain.

Programming Goes Back to School
From Communications of the ACM

Programming Goes Back to School

Broadening participation by integrating game design into middle school curricula. View a video featuring author Alexander Repenning about using games to introduce...

Digitization and Copyright
From Communications of the ACM

Digitization and Copyright: Some Recent Evidence from Music

Examining the effects of stealing on producers and consumers.

The Future of the Past
From Communications of the ACM

The Future of the Past

Reflections on the changing face of the history of computing.
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