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Algorithms, Platforms, and Ethnic Bias
From Communications of the ACM

Algorithms, Platforms, and Ethnic Bias

How computing platforms and algorithms can potentially either reinforce or identify and address ethnic biases.

Computational Thinking Should Just be Good Thinking
From Communications of the ACM

Computational Thinking Should Just be Good Thinking

Seeking to change computing teaching to improve computer science.

Europe's Controversial Digital Copyright Directive Finalized
From Communications of the ACM

Europe's Controversial Digital Copyright Directive Finalized

Considering the new liability risks for ISPs, search engines, and news aggregators under recent EU-wide mandatory rules.

Siri's #MeToo Responses Show Why Tech Needs Women
From ACM Opinion

Siri's #MeToo Responses Show Why Tech Needs Women

Once, when users called Siri a "slut," the service responded: "I'd blush if I could." Such programming missteps could have been avoided altogether if there were...

How STEM Education Must Evolve
From ACM Opinion

How STEM Education Must Evolve

STEM curricula must be enhanced so graduates have a deeper understanding of how their work affects humanity.

Why American Workers Need to Be Protected From Automation
From ACM Opinion

Why American Workers Need to Be Protected From Automation

Bill de Blasio, New York City mayor and a candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, says that as president he would issue a robot tax for corporations...

Wouldn't It Be Great If People Could Vote on the Blockchain?
From ACM Opinion

Wouldn't It Be Great If People Could Vote on the Blockchain?

Mobile voting could increase voter participation, but it's plagued by security issues in search of a solution.

Major Tech Companies May Be Putting World at Risk From Killer Robots
From ACM Careers

Major Tech Companies May Be Putting World at Risk From Killer Robots

A new global report ranks 50 tech companies from 12 countries and identifies those at 'highest risk' of putting the world at risk through killer robot development...

Online Voting
From Communications of the ACM

Online Voting: We Can Do It! (We Have To)

Seeking to make online voting more secure than today's flawed paper systems.

Internet Immunity and the Freedom to Code
From Communications of the ACM

Internet Immunity and the Freedom to Code

A call to preserve the capability of developing the next generation of Internet services.

Silicon Valley Wants To Read Your Mind. You Should Be Worried
From ACM Opinion

Silicon Valley Wants To Read Your Mind. You Should Be Worried

Mind-reading systems such as Facebook's brainwave-reading device and Neuralink's brain implants can affect privacy, security, identity, equality and personal safety...

Why Tech Will Never Be Able to Predict the Next Mass Shooting
From ACM Opinion

Why Tech Will Never Be Able to Predict the Next Mass Shooting

Following the horrific mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton last weekend, President Trump called on social media companies to develop tools that could help identify...

Shoot-'Em-Up Videogames Don't Warp Minds – Big Tech Does
From ACM Opinion

Shoot-'Em-Up Videogames Don't Warp Minds – Big Tech Does

It takes a lot of effort, research, and efficiency to manipulate people online and influence their behavior in the real world. Silicon Valley has it down to a science...

Western Academia Helps Build China's Automated Racism
From ACM Opinion

Western Academia Helps Build China's Automated Racism

Researchers in China are developing new and more invasive techniques to surveil the Uyghurs minority. Some of their work is being supported by academia in the West...

Block-based Programming in Computer Science Education
From Communications of the ACM

Block-based Programming in Computer Science Education

Considering how block-based programming environments and tools might be used at the introductory level and beyond.

Congress Wants to Solve Deepfakes by 2020. That Should Worry ­Us
From ACM Opinion

Congress Wants to Solve Deepfakes by 2020. That Should Worry ­Us

Deepfakes are frightening, but so is Congress' rush to regulate them.

Our Disabilities Have Made ­s Better Scientists
From ACM Opinion

Our Disabilities Have Made ­s Better Scientists

Scientific research is rarely designed to accommodate scientists with medical conditions or disabilities.

API Copyrights Revisited
From Communications of the ACM

API Copyrights Revisited

Deliberating on the main arguments in recent sets of briefs filed in support of Google's U.S. Supreme Court petition.

Who Benefits?
From Communications of the ACM

Who Benefits?

Considering the case of smart cities.

A New Labor Market for People with 'Coolabilities'
From Communications of the ACM

A New Labor Market for People with 'Coolabilities'

How the unique perspective and enhanced strengths accompanying disabilities can benefit the workforce.
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