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Here's Why Tech Companies Are Suddenly Focused on Child Safety
From ACM Opinion

Here's Why Tech Companies Are Suddenly Focused on Child Safety

Tech colossi are responding to shifting political winds and trying to preempt new, impending regulations

Can We Handle the Truth about Cybersecurity?
From ACM Opinion

Can We Handle the Truth about Cybersecurity?

Standardizing disclosure rules while ensuring transparency can strengthen our total cybersecurity landscape

There's a Better Way to Stop Ransomware Attacks
From ACM Opinion

There's a Better Way to Stop Ransomware Attacks

Adopt and enforce regulations for the cryptocurrency industry that are equivalent to traditional banking

No Perfect Solution in Apple's Privacy vs. Child Safety Debate
From ACM Opinion

No Perfect Solution in Apple's Privacy vs. Child Safety Debate

How do opponents to Apple's child safety features calculate risk, and more importantly, what alternatives do they propose?

Testing Educational Digital Games
From Communications of the ACM

Testing Educational Digital Games

Diversifying usability studies utilizing rapid application development.

Protecting the Global Internet from Technology Cold Wars
From Communications of the ACM

Protecting the Global Internet from Technology Cold Wars

Considering the perceived dangers of the global information flow.

Could Cyberwar Make the World Safer?
From ACM Opinion

Could Cyberwar Make the World Safer?

Perhaps, if nations can settle for slugging it out online, rather than with guns and missiles?

Technology Is Making It Harder to Be a Moral Person
From ACM Opinion

Technology Is Making It Harder to Be a Moral Person

Are digital distractions such as social media and smartphones making us less ethical?

New SEC Boss Wants More Crypto Oversight to Protect Investors
From ACM Opinion

New SEC Boss Wants More Crypto Oversight to Protect Investors

Gary Gensler says regulation can help new technologies grow.

Infrastructure Bill's Cryptocurrency Surveillance Provision Is Privacy Disaster
From ACM Opinion

Infrastructure Bill's Cryptocurrency Surveillance Provision Is Privacy Disaster

Mandate to collect customer data would force companies related to cryptocurrency to surveil users

Let the Linux Kernel Rust
From ACM Opinion

Let the Linux Kernel Rust

Rust is creeping into the Linux kernel, which could mean a very important step forward in terms of security.

What Do Developers Want and Need from Secure Coding Training?
From ACM Opinion

What Do Developers Want and Need from Secure Coding Training?

There is still confusion about the role developers play in software security

The Crackdown in China Is a Hot Mess, and It's Coming for Us
From ACM Opinion

The Crackdown in China Is a Hot Mess, and It's Coming for Us

Recent moves by the Chinese government against tech companies represent a terrifying government action.

Governing AI Safety through Independent Audits
From ACM Opinion

Governing AI Safety through Independent Audits

Governance of highly automated systems is critical to garner widespread public trust

How Higher Ed Can Win at Tech Offense and Defense
From ACM Opinion

How Higher Ed Can Win at Tech Offense and Defense

To live in a world that is enhanced rather than oppressed by technology, we need to change its culture from one of opportunism to one in the public interest

What Does Saying That 'Programming Is Hard' Really Say, and About Whom?
From Communications of the ACM

What Does Saying That 'Programming Is Hard' Really Say, and About Whom?

Shifting the focus from the perceived difficulty of learning programming to making programming more universally accessible.

The Domestic Computer Science Graduate Students Are There, We Just Need to Recruit Them
From Communications of the ACM

The Domestic Computer Science Graduate Students Are There, We Just Need to Recruit Them

Proven practices to recruit domestic computer science graduate students.

Artificial Intelligence and the Intelligence Community
From ACM Opinion

Artificial Intelligence and the Intelligence Community

The intelligence community's budget and acquisition processes rise to the top of the issues it must address before it can take full advantage of AI

Algorithmic Impact Assessments Should Leverage Diverse Expertise and Complex Histories
From ACM Opinion

Algorithmic Impact Assessments Should Leverage Diverse Expertise and Complex Histories

There is a pressing need to establish algorithmic impact assessment practices from the ground up.

Reimplementing Software Interfaces Is Fair Use
From Communications of the ACM

Reimplementing Software Interfaces Is Fair Use

A multifactored rationale for denying Oracle's claim against Google.
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