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Why Everyone (not Just Geeks) Should Care About Big Data
From ACM Opinion

Why Everyone (not Just Geeks) Should Care About Big Data

Hugo Campos has a cardiac defibrillator implanted in his body. It sends data about his heart to his doctors and back to the manufacturer, but it takes days to get...

Who's Behind the Wheel? Nobody.
From ACM Opinion

Who's Behind the Wheel? Nobody.

The Mazda Raceway at Laguna Seca is a 2.2-mile asphalt roller coaster plunging and soaring across California's tawny Monterey highlands.

Why Wi-Fi Is Often So Slow
From ACM Opinion

Why Wi-Fi Is Often So Slow

A number of Internet service providers, including Comcast Corp. and Verizon Communications Inc., have recently upped the maximum speeds of broadband they offer...

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When Gps Tracking Violates Privacy Rights

For the right to personal privacy to survive in America in this digital age, courts must be meticulous in applying longstanding privacy protections to new technology...

If Design's No Longer the Killer Differentiator, What Is?
From ACM Opinion

If Design's No Longer the Killer Differentiator, What Is?

We already know that design matters. Product design. Industrial design. Experience design. Supply chain design. Witness the renewed fervor for the iPhone 5 today...

From ACM Opinion

Air Force Video Compares Facebook, Iphone to Atom Bombs

The world of tomorrow is going to be a dark and sinister place, according to a group of Air Force futurists. One reason why it'll be so scary: Facebook.

The Iphone 5's A6 Chip Could Be Apple's Sweetest Revenge Against Samsung
From ACM Opinion

The Iphone 5's A6 Chip Could Be Apple's Sweetest Revenge Against Samsung

Four years ago, Apple set out on a dangerous path. It spent about $300 million on a struggling chip designer called PA Semi. The purchase signaled that Apple intended...

Iphone 6: 9 Most-Wanted Features
From ACM Opinion

Iphone 6: 9 Most-Wanted Features

The iPhone 5 is here and millions of people will buy it and love it. But its arrival also starts the clock ticking on the next iPhone. 

It's Official: The Era of the Personal Computer Is Over
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It's Official: The Era of the Personal Computer Is Over

As a signpost on the road to the so-called Post-PC Era we’ve been hearing about for so many years, this one is pretty hard to argue with: As of this year, personal...

Iphone 5? Yawn. What Will the 'phone' of 2022 Look Like?
From ACM Opinion

Iphone 5? Yawn. What Will the 'phone' of 2022 Look Like?

The near-term future of phones is fairly well-established. The iPhone 5 was released Wednesday and its similarity to every Apple phone since 2007 serves as a reminder...

From ACM Opinion

The Iphone Stimulus

Are you, or is someone you know, a gadget freak? If so, you doubtless know that Wednesday was iPhone 5 day, the day Apple unveiled its latest way for people to...

Why '­ser Friendly' Is So Friendly: A Tribute to Bill Moggridge
From ACM Opinion

Why '­ser Friendly' Is So Friendly: A Tribute to Bill Moggridge

Some considered it an inspired choice, others simply surprising, when Bill Moggridge was appointed director of the Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum...

Difference Engine: The Pc All Over Again?
From ACM News

Difference Engine: The Pc All Over Again?

What could well be the next great technological disruption is fermenting away, out of sight, in small workshops, college labs, garages, and basements. Tinkerers...

How Apple Really Invented the Iphone
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How Apple Really Invented the Iphone

Like many of Apple's inventions, the iPhone began not with a vision, but with a problem.

Top Tech Hurdles Facing Next President, Congress
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Top Tech Hurdles Facing Next President, Congress

With the U.S. in high political season, partisan rhetoric is in no short supply. But one area of agreement stands out: both parties have put solid endorsements...

From ACM Opinion

Sometimes, One Little Phone Can Have a Big Impact on the Economy

The next iPhone, which Apple Inc. AAPL plans to unveil this week, could do something the White House, Congress, and Federal Reserve have struggled to do: boost...

How Smartphones Make ­S Superhuman
From ACM Opinion

How Smartphones Make ­S Superhuman

Both men lit themselves on fire in protest. But only one of them is credited with starting a revolution.

From ACM Opinion

A New Kind of Warfare

Cybersecurity efforts in the United States have largely centered on defending computer networks against attacks by hackers, criminals, and foreign governments,...

Rumor Review: What to Expect from Apple's September 12 Media Event
From ACM Opinion

Rumor Review: What to Expect from Apple's September 12 Media Event

Six years since its debut, the iPhone shows no signs of slowing in popularity.

Nasa Sparks Its Imagination
From ACM Opinion

Nasa Sparks Its Imagination

It's been a month since Curiosity’s remarkable soft landing on the surface of Mars. Remember the massive, supersonic parachute that slowed the spacecraft’s descent...
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