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Graphics Processing Technology Key to Unlocking It Potential in Middle East
From ACM Opinion

Graphics Processing Technology Key to Unlocking It Potential in Middle East

Graphics processing units (GPUs) are now becoming instrumental in transforming key industries in the Middle East, as GPUs are poised to unlock groundbreaking capabilities...

­K Envisions Zero Waste: What About Computers?
From ACM Opinion

­K Envisions Zero Waste: What About Computers?

Recycling is part of our daily lives. We do it everyday with plastics, newspapers and other general household things. But computers and batteries face recycling...

Game Over For Sony
From ACM Opinion

Game Over For Sony

I've never really liked the company Sony. On the computer side, it's hardly been a friend of GNU/Linux. The one glimmer of hope for the company was the PS3. Sony's...

Face the Inevitable, Embrace Parallelism
From Communications of the ACM

Face the Inevitable, Embrace Parallelism

Hardware, software, and applications must all evolve in anticipation of the proliferation of parallelism.

Robots With the Right Stuff
From ACM TechNews

Robots With the Right Stuff

Humans are outsourcing space exploration to machines thanks to remarkable technological advances that came about in the second half of the 20th century, writes...

Robotics Engineer Aims to Give Robots a Humane Touch
From ACM TechNews

Robotics Engineer Aims to Give Robots a Humane Touch

Georgia Institute of Technology robotics engineer Ronald Arkin has dedicated his life's work to the development of ethical battlefield robots embedded with a sense...

Ramen Robots Invade Japanese Restaurant
From ACM Opinion

Ramen Robots Invade Japanese Restaurant

A ramen shop in Yamanashi, Japan, is gaining popularity for its robot chef. The noodles themselves are cooked by a human, with the robot creating a perfectly blended...

Securing Keys, Drams and Freeze-Mist
From ACM Opinion

Securing Keys, Drams and Freeze-Mist

In one of the more interesting articles in the Communications of the ACM in recent years, J. Alex Halderman and a cast of thousands write in the May 2009 issue...

Manufacturing Jobs Are Never Coming Back
From ACM Opinion

Manufacturing Jobs Are Never Coming Back

Increasingly, machines make things, not people. That's mainly because of technology. When we think of manufacturing jobs, we tend to imagine old-time assembly lines...

Deficits Worry Intel Chairman Craig Barrett
From ACM Opinion

Deficits Worry Intel Chairman Craig Barrett

Craig Barrett joined Intel Corp. as a technology-development manager in 1974, and rose through the ranks to become chief executive officer in 1998. In 2005, he...

The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of Software as a Service
From Communications of the ACM

The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of Software as a Service

The commercial opportunities of software as a service are widely hyped these days and many think SaaS is the future of software. That might be true in the medium...

CTO Virtualization Roundtable
From Communications of the ACM

CTO Virtualization Roundtable: Part II

When it comes to virtualization platforms, experts say focus first on the services to be delivered.

From ACM TechNews

Multi-Core and Parallel Programming: Is the Sky Falling?

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign professor Marc Snir acknowledges that multicore parallelism is difficult, and this difficulty can give rise to divergent...

CTO Roundtable on Virtualization
From Communications of the ACM

CTO Roundtable on Virtualization: Part I

Virtualization technology is hot again, but for the right reasons?
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