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Why Your Next Phone Might Be Bendable
From ACM Opinion

Why Your Next Phone Might Be Bendable

As we enter the final months of 2011, the thoughts of tech watchers like me are turning to what we can expect in 2012. Voice recognition in all our devices? Touch...

From ACM Opinion

The Genius of Jobs

One of the questions I wrestled with when writing about Steve Jobs was how smart he was. On the surface, this should not have been much of an issue.

11 Most Startling Revelations in 'steve Jobs'
From ACM News

11 Most Startling Revelations in 'steve Jobs'

Full disclosure: Steve Jobs was my white whale, the interview I wanted more than any other and the day he died I fashioned a black band across the Apple logo...

What Gets Measured Gets Done
From Communications of the ACM

What Gets Measured Gets Done

"U.S. broadband is terrible" has become a familiar meme. Given the growing importance of broadband Internet connections, a poor broadband infrastructure would...

From ACM Opinion

The Scary Prospect of Global Drone Warfare

 Drone technology is spreading rapidly. As many as 50 countries are developing or purchasing these systems, including China, Russia, India, Pakistan, and Iran. Even...

From ACM Opinion

Making Robots with Open Source: An Interview with Steve Cousins, Ceo Willow Garage

Steve Cousins, President and CEO of Willow Garage, creators of the PR2 robot and the TurtleBot—both based on the open source ROS (Robot Operating System) platform—discusses...

The Future of American Business and Innovation
From ACM Opinion

The Future of American Business and Innovation

When IBM CEO Sam Palmisano kicked off a nationwide speaking tour celebrating IBM's 100th anniversary at Johns Hopkins University? recently, he devoted a chunk...

Miracle Pill or Cheap Gimmick?
From ACM Opinion

Miracle Pill or Cheap Gimmick?

Aakash, the world's cheapest tablet computer, has the potential of being a game-changer that empowers India's poor. But its introduction raises important questions...

From ACM Opinion

What I Learned from Steve Jobs

 Many people have explained what one can learn from Steve Jobs. But few, if any, of these people have been inside the tent and experienced first hand what it was...

Steve Jobs: 1955
From ACM Opinion

Steve Jobs: 1955

Steve Jobs is dead. One big question is whether the unbelievably innovative culture he forged will live. Jobs was not a great human being, but he was a great,...

From ACM Opinion

Apple's Cook to Woo Shoppers Without Pizzazz of Iphone 5

Apple Inc. this holiday season will have to prove it’s what’s on the inside that matters most.

­se It Better: The Worst Trends in Tech
From ACM Opinion

­se It Better: The Worst Trends in Tech

Consumer technology doesn't always get better, faster and cheaper. Here are four bad moves that prove the future isn't always bright.

From ACM Opinion

Will Robots Steal Your Job?

If you're taking a break from work to read this article, I've got one question for you: Are you crazy? I know you think no one will notice, and I know that everyone...

From ACM Opinion

Gov. Brown: Sign Bill Outlawing Warrantless Smartphone Searches

There’s a bill sitting on the desk of California Governor Jerry Brown, which if signed would ban police from searching the mobile devices of people arrested for...

From ACM News


Reading my RSS and Twitter feeds Tuesday night, I turned to a tech writer friend and said, "the Wintel Era just ended, and half of these people are fighting over...

What Became of Multi-Core Programming Problems?
From ACM Opinion

What Became of Multi-Core Programming Problems?

As the Intel Developer Forum gets under way this week, one hardly unexpected theme of CEO Paul Otellini's keynote address was that Moore's Law continues. Ivy...

Let's Get Back to Real Space Exploration
From ACM Opinion

Let's Get Back to Real Space Exploration

Time to ditch the black armbands and look beyond low Earth orbit again. The shuttle's passing marks the start of an exciting new era.

From ACM Opinion

A Turbulent End to the Pc Era

The personal computer recently celebrated its 30th birthday. Then last week, Silicon Valley staged the PC's funeral.

In Praise of 'Wilkes, Wheeler, and Gill'
From Communications of the ACM

In Praise of 'Wilkes, Wheeler, and Gill'

Sixty years ago, Maurice Wilkes, David Wheeler, and Stanley Gill produced the first textbook on programming: The Preparation of Programs for an Electronic Digital...

From ACM News

The Death of Booting ­p

Remember "booting up"? It was the first thing you did every morning—you waited two minutes, three minutes, sometimes even longer while your computer ran through...
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