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Voyagers' Never-Ending Journey
From ACM News

Voyagers' Never-Ending Journey

Exploration is one thing, science another—but they've come together rather nicely in the Voyager mission to the outer planets, outbound for the past 35 years yet...

The Robo-Help
From ACM Opinion

The Robo-Help

I have two robots that clean the floors in my apartment: the Evolution Robotics Mint and the iRobot Roomba 530. The Mint sweeps and mops. The Roomba vacuums.

Nah, Iran Probably Didn't Hack Cia's Stealth Drone
From ACM Opinion

Nah, Iran Probably Didn't Hack Cia's Stealth Drone

Four months after capturing a crashed U.S. stealth drone near the Iran-Afghanistan border, Tehran claims it has hacked into the ‘bot’s classified mission-control...

A New Breed of Heterogeneous Computing
From ACM TechNews

A New Breed of Heterogeneous Computing

The foundation of high-performance computing is undergoing a revolution with the introduction of add-on accelerators. An emerging variant of the heterogeneous computing...

The Troll Toll
From ACM Opinion

The Troll Toll

When hospitals come upon a technology with a proven track record of saving lives, you'd expect a flood of investment to expand its use, and a race by manufacturers...

Google Glasses: Will You Want Google Tracking Your Eyes?
From ACM Opinion

Google Glasses: Will You Want Google Tracking Your Eyes?

The world was stunned by the first real look at Google's Project Glass. In a video released by the search giant, we got a a captivating look at how its glasses...

Darwin's Devices
From ACM Opinion

Darwin's Devices

When I tell people that I work on "evolving robots," their common response is to joke—semi-seriously—about Skynet or some other sci-fi nightmare in which machines...

We Can Survive Killer Asteroids
From ACM Opinion

We Can Survive Killer Asteroids

The chances that your tombstone will read "Killed by Asteroid" are about the same as they'd be for "Killed in Airplane Crash."

Living on a Stream: The Rise of Real-Time Video
From ACM Opinion

Living on a Stream: The Rise of Real-Time Video

A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to a friend about streaming. I was marveling how easy it’s becoming to beam a live video feed, anywhere, not only to a friend...

A Rosie Future: Jetsons-Like Gadgets with 'ambient Intelligence' Are Key to Smart Homes and Cities
From ACM Opinion

A Rosie Future: Jetsons-Like Gadgets with 'ambient Intelligence' Are Key to Smart Homes and Cities

Fifty years after The Jetsons promised us a future of robot maids, flying cars, video phones and meals at the push of a button, it seems that reality may actually...

Review: Bad Apple
From ACM Opinion

Review: Bad Apple

Apple's 1997 "Think Different" marketing campaign was one of its most memorable ever.

Was Cameron's Deep Dive as ­seless as Manned Space Flight?
From ACM Opinion

Was Cameron's Deep Dive as ­seless as Manned Space Flight?

Ninety-nine percent of what we know about the solar system came to us from unmanned probes.  

The Network Protocol Battle
From Communications of the ACM

The Network Protocol Battle

A tale of hubris and zealotry.

Safecast Geiger Counter Reference Design
From ACM Opinion

Safecast Geiger Counter Reference Design

This past weekend marked the anniversary of the Tohoku-Oki earthquake that devastated Japan.

Tv Makers Ignore Apps at Their Own Peril
From ACM Opinion

Tv Makers Ignore Apps at Their Own Peril

Every night, I get home from work, drop onto the couch and sit there surfing the Web or watching videos on my 3 1/2-inch iPhone screen. My big-screen HDTV sits...

The iPad Is ­nbeatable
From ACM Opinion

The iPad Is ­nbeatable

Imagine you run a large technology company not named Apple.

Cyberwar Is Already ­pon ­S
From ACM Opinion

Cyberwar Is Already ­pon ­S

In the nearly 20 years since David Ronfeldt and I introduced our concept of cyberwar, this new mode of conflict has become a reality.

Supercomputers Can Save ­.s. Manufacturing
From ACM Opinion

Supercomputers Can Save ­.s. Manufacturing

High-performance computing developed at the national labs powers much of the innovation behind the most successful U.S. commercial firms. This expertise may also...

Your Kinect Is Watching You
From ACM News

Your Kinect Is Watching You

There is a wave of concern—completely justified, to my mind—over the privacy implications of our increasing reliance on Facebook and Google. What most people don’t...

Forget The New Ipad: Why The Personal Computer Is Already An Also Ran
From ACM Opinion

Forget The New Ipad: Why The Personal Computer Is Already An Also Ran

While Apple introduced a new version of the iPad Wednesday (March 7) in San Francisco, the real market shift had already happened. Smart phones outsold personal...
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