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Apple's Rise to Top Means Less Than You Think
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Apple's Rise to Top Means Less Than You Think

With Apple officially becoming the world's most valuable company—at least for a day—it's tempting to engage in lofty talk about what this says about the rise...

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Google's Self-Driving Wreck: Really Human Error?

When a self-driving car crashes, one just has to wonder about those robots. Are they really all they're cracked up to be? Or might they be just as cracked as...

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The Auteur vs. the Committee

At Apple, one is the magic number.

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The Internet of Things (infographic)

When we think of being connected to the Internet, our minds immediately shift to our computers, phones, and most recently tablets. This week at Cisco live, I...

The Campaign to Terrify You About Emp
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The Campaign to Terrify You About Emp

From Newt Gingrich to a Congressional "EMP Caucus," some conservatives warn the electronics-frying blast could pose gravely underestimated dangers to the U.S.

Should the Government Need a Search Warrant to Track Your Car with Gps?
From ACM News

Should the Government Need a Search Warrant to Track Your Car with Gps?

The Supreme Court ended its term with a high-profile ruling that violent video games are protected by the First Amendment, but a bigger technology decision could...

The Tragic Decline of Blackberry
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The Tragic Decline of Blackberry

Research In Motion (RIM), makers of the venerable BlackBerry devices, will always be remembered as the company that liberated corporate email from the PC. In...

Was the Space Shuttle a Mistake?
From ACM Opinion

Was the Space Shuttle a Mistake?

Forty years ago, I wrote an article for Technology Review titled "Shall We Build the Space Shuttle?" Now, with the 135th and final flight of the shuttle at hand...

Real ­.s. Stealth-Tech Advantage: Its Assembly Lines
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Real ­.s. Stealth-Tech Advantage: Its Assembly Lines

For more than 20 years, the U.S. Air Force had a world monopoly on radar-evading technology—and with it, a huge advantage over any rival. Several generations...

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Why Gadgets Flop

According to the old saying, you learn more from a failure than a success. Well, if that's the case, the consumer electronics industry ought to have a master's...

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Apple Multitouch Patent Is All About ­x Lock-In

Apple notched a significant win last week when it was awarded a key patent related to basic multitouch functionality. The patent was first called "hugely problematic"...

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Big Win For the Losers at D-Wave

Does D-Wave's first big sale disprove the quantum computing naysayers?

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How I Failed, Failed, and Finally Succeeded at Learning How to Code

When Colin Hughes was about 11 years old his parents brought home a rather strange toy. It wasn't colorful or cartoonish; it didn't seem to have any lasers or...

Parting Shots from a Mars Rover
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Parting Shots from a Mars Rover

NASA is no longer sending commands to the Spirit rover on Mars, but the long-silent robot still has a few more chances to phone home. Not that anyone is expecting...

One on One: Jaron Lanier
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One on One: Jaron Lanier

Jaron Lanier, a partner architect at Microsoft Research, has had a long and varied career in technology. Mr. Lanier popularized the term "virtual reality" in...

How Computers Got US Into Space
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How Computers Got US Into Space

When you look back at the past 50 years of human spaceflight, don't forget the computer scientists who helped make it possible.

There's No Data Sheriff on the Wild Web
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There's No Data Sheriff on the Wild Web

A company suffers a catastrophic attack on its servers. Gone are names, email addresses, home phone numbers, passwords, credit card numbers. Everything ends up...

From ACM Opinion

Five Gadgets that Will Be Dead in Five Years

If there's one thing that's predictable in the technology world, it's that things change. Products that were commonplace 10 years ago (PDAs, CRT televisions,...

From ACM Opinion

Will Amazon's Recent Server Failures Slow the Rise of Cloud Computing?

Last Thursday morning around 5 a.m. eastern time, Amazon suffered a major data center outage. These sorts of outages happen now and then, but they seldom makewhy...

Your Iphone Is Tracking You. So What.
From ACM Opinion

Your Iphone Is Tracking You. So What.

Have you heard the news? Two researchers have discovered that the iPhone keeps a minute-by-minute, time-stamped log of everywhere you go. That’s right: Your phone...
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