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Here's Why Tech Companies' Nsa 'transparency Reports' Are Mostly a Pr Stunt
From ACM Opinion

Here's Why Tech Companies' Nsa 'transparency Reports' Are Mostly a Pr Stunt

Technology companies will soon be able to disclose more details about the number of national security orders and requests they receive, according to a joint statement...

Bitcoin and the Fictions of Money
From ACM Opinion

Bitcoin and the Fictions of Money

How should we think about a currency like Bitcoin?

Ready Technology
From Communications of the ACM

Ready Technology

Fast-tracking emerging business technologies.

Digital Platforms
From Communications of the ACM

Digital Platforms: When Is Participation Valuable?

Assessing the benefits and challenges of knowledge spillovers.

Bugs and Bragging Rights
From Communications of the ACM

Bugs and Bragging Rights

It is not always size that matters.

An Integrated Approach to Safety and Security Based on Systems Theory
From Communications of the ACM

An Integrated Approach to Safety and Security Based on Systems Theory

Applying a more powerful new safety methodology to security risks.

Establishing a Nationwide CS Curriculum in New Zealand High Schools
From Communications of the ACM

Establishing a Nationwide CS Curriculum in New Zealand High Schools

Providing students, teachers, and parents with a better understanding of computer science and programming.

Would Cybersecurity Professionalization Help Address the Cybersecurity Crisis?
From Communications of the ACM

Would Cybersecurity Professionalization Help Address the Cybersecurity Crisis?

Evaluating the trade-offs involved in cybersecurity professionalization.

The White House Is Going to Study Big Data. Here Are 5 Things It Should Know
From ACM Opinion

The White House Is Going to Study Big Data. Here Are 5 Things It Should Know

The White House announced via blog post on Thursday that it's forming working group focused on understanding the promises and pitfalls of big data (with a heavy...

An AI Pal That Is Better Than 'her'
From ACM Opinion

An AI Pal That Is Better Than 'her'

In the movie Her, which was nominated for the Oscar for Best Picture this year, a middle-aged writer named Theodore Twombly installs and rapidly falls in love with...

5 Questions For Edward Snowden That Aren't Exactly About the Nsa
From ACM Opinion

5 Questions For Edward Snowden That Aren't Exactly About the Nsa

The world's most famous former intelligence contractor, Edward Snowden, is scheduled to answer questions posted on Twitter in an hour-long Webcast on Thursday.

What If Your Autonomous Car Keeps Routing You Past Krispy Kreme?
From ACM Opinion

What If Your Autonomous Car Keeps Routing You Past Krispy Kreme?

On a future road trip, your robot car decides to take a new route, driving you past a Krispy Kreme Doughnut shop.

Why Bitcoin Matters
From ACM Opinion

Why Bitcoin Matters

A mysterious new technology emerges, seemingly out of nowhere, but actually the result of two decades of intense research and development by nearly anonymous researchers...

Pretty Good Privacy
From ACM Opinion

Pretty Good Privacy

Few critics of the NSA will find much satisfaction in President Obama's speech this morning or in the set of reforms that he announced.

Bitcoin Is Not Just Digital Currency. It's Napster For Finance.
From ACM Opinion

Bitcoin Is Not Just Digital Currency. It's Napster For Finance.

In 2013, bitcoin's valuation didn't just skyrocket, but its infrastructure, services, and adoption exploded as well, culminating in recent announcements that major...

From ACM Opinion

Bitcoin—boom or Bubble?

The baffling Bitcoin boom is either an exercise in self-delusion—a high-tech Ponzi scheme that will come crashing down—or an imaginative new Internet technology...

It's the 30th Anniversary of the Supreme Court's Monumental Decision About Betamax
From ACM Opinion

It's the 30th Anniversary of the Supreme Court's Monumental Decision About Betamax

Those of us who came of age in the Internet era may not know that they owe their ability to go online to a court decision 30 years ago today about a mechanically...

When Google Closes the Nest Deal, Privacy Issues For the Internet of Things Will Hit the Big Time
From ACM Opinion

When Google Closes the Nest Deal, Privacy Issues For the Internet of Things Will Hit the Big Time

Google rocked the smart home market Monday with its intention to purchase connected home thermostat maker Nest for $3.2 billion, which will force a much-needed...

How Isaac Asimov Got 2014 Both So Right and So Wrong
From ACM Opinion

How Isaac Asimov Got 2014 Both So Right and So Wrong

In 1964, legendary writer of science fiction and science fact Isaac Asimov visited the World's Fair, where a General Electric pavilion chronicling advances in electric...

'net Neutrality' Ruling Opens Door For Two-Tiered Internet Market
From ACM Opinion

'net Neutrality' Ruling Opens Door For Two-Tiered Internet Market

An "Open Internet" became endangered this week at a time when the U.S. increasingly relies on Internet services to deliver everything from education to entertainment...
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